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"Well... where should we start?" Simón asked as he looked around the forest. They were in the place where Chris's body had been buried, searching for clues.

"I'll try and see if I can sense something." Lana smiled and leaned down on the ground, closing her eyes and trying to pick up any scent from the place where the body was taken.

"We got the most difficult task," Asher said, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"Well, it's your fault for doing that to Mary. You know that Tony and Mary are in a higher position in the pack," Simón reminded him.

Asher hated that Simón reminded him of that. "At least I won't be at the bottom anymore now that Lucian is going to join the pack," he said with a smug smile.

"Yeah, I wouldn't be too sure about that," Lana said, smiling.

"Why do you say that?"

"Didn't you notice?" She chuckled, wanting to see Asher's reaction. "I think there's something happening between Jace and that guy." Lana continued to try sensing something as she spoke. "I could perceive their reactions when they were close to each other. It was... weird."

"But Jace is dating Cassy," Simón added, looking at Lana. "Maybe you're overthinking it."

"Maybe I am," Lana said with a twinkle in her eyes.

Asher didn't feel good about that since he knew how perceptive Lana could be. As he was lost in thought, he heard Lana yell, "I found something!" She was so excited. She hadn't thought they would be able to find anything, but she did. "Here is a scent. The fact that it's still here means that whoever took that body is a supernatural being."

"Oh really? Who would have thought, Sherlock," Asher said, mocking her. He had already guessed this. A human would have called the police, and there was no way it was an animal. "What we want to know is what type of supernatural being."

Lana frowned at Asher's mockery. "Ash, wax... It was a witch."

Asher and Simón looked at each other, surprised. They had hoped it was another creature. "A witch. We have to tell Jace. That means there are witches in the academy. It could be anyone. We're in danger, so we have to be the most careful." Lana nodded as they all decided to go back to Jace.

Jace looked at his face in the mirror. His hair was combed back by his fingers as he ran them through his hair. He had been reflecting on what he had done before. Even if he felt a bit guilty about Arlo, what really shook him was the look on Lucian's face when he looked at him. Those deep green eyes that pulled him like a magnet were filled with fear, hate, and... something else. Jace would never care if someone hated him or feared him. That was normal; as an alpha, his pack had to fear and respect him. But now, receiving those feelings from Lucian made him feel uncomfortable.

"Fuck," he sighed, knowing there was something wrong with him.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. "Jace, we need to talk," Tony's voice came through the door.

Jace took a deep breath and opened the door. "What is it?" he was surprised they were fast. 

Tony, Mary, and Ben stood there, looking serious. "We found something," Tony said. "It's about Chris's body. It was taken by a witch."

Jace's eyes narrowed. "A witch? Are you sure?"

Lana stepped forward. "I'm sure. There was wax at the site, and I could still sense the presence of magic. It's definitely a witch." lana said this, but she also felt like there was something else in this case, but she wasnt sure yet. 

Jace clenched his fists, feeling the weight of the situation. "This means we're dealing with someone dangerous. We need to find out who it is and what they want."

Tony nodded. "We need to be careful. This could put the whole pack in danger. We can't be exposed."

Mary thought about it. "Maybe they were making a spell."

Lana shook her head. "I don't think so. I remember that Chris's body still had its eyes, tongue, and heart."

Jace sighed, knowing the truth of Tony's words. "Alright, I want you to be alert at all times. You need to stay together. No one is allowed to be alone. We don't know if the witches know that we are werewolves and are just waiting for a chance to kill us."

They all nodded in agreement.

"Jace," Mary called to her leader. "We sure Lucian is going to accept being part of us"

Jace took a deep breath.

"Stay vigilant," Jace reminded them as they dispersed. "We'll meet again tomorrow to discuss our next steps."

As he lookback to the mirror he notice his red wine eyes. he needs to be carefull.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04 ⏰

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