Chapter 1 - The Ink Demon Awaketh

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*Savvy's Narration*

It all went by like a blur...

Passed us by in an instant...

The angel took my sister.
The angel took the wolf, too.

But a better word for this monster would be a beauty-starved siren preying on the innocent for her own selfish reasons.

She left me, my brother and even my father to remain in a broken elevator that was now in shambles. There was no way back up and we were in pain, and it wasn't long before we had to trek another new area to search for Haley and Boris.

The two of them were glued to each other at the hip when this corrupted cannibal, which we call Malice, sent us to do her dirty work. Based on her monologues, she turned out to be the remains of Susie Campbell, an up and coming actress who was replaced by an Allison Pendle and deceived by Mr. Drew, my father's old friend and colleague when the studio actually wasn't in shambles.

Zeta, the Ink Demon, previously named Ziek, was nowhere to be found...he was the remains of one of Bendy's voice actors before he went berserk.

His brother, Beck...I'm not sure where he went. But I only hoped that he was still here in the confines of the studio. One can only pray and I prayed hard.

The three of us finally gained our bearings and started the trek into a new area, Level S. Based on what we've seen, this was an area for accounting and finance, where the studio kept a close eye on the income it's made to keep it up and running.

The one thing that caught my attention was an audio log that was left in the office. My father, Henry, and brother, Caleb, went on ahead to investigate the level further.

I played the audio reel and what I heard disturbed me.

*The audio log plays the sound of someone clearly in distress, the sound of shattering glass and screams of pain could be heard as silence draws in...then a low growl resonates as the log ends*

I was in absolute shock. Whatever happened to Mr. Cohen? That I wasn't sure of, but I've been thinking about how the ink from the machine had a hold on its victims...was someone pulling the strings? Was there a physical manifestation of the ink machine causing innocents to lose their minds? These thoughts were interrupted as I felt a foreboding presence. I slowly peeked out of Grant's office and heard the sound of...fighting, then a few moments later, a laughter reminiscent of the cartoon Bendy, but more menacing in nature, sounded as I heard him vanish.

Then it went quiet.

The hallway before me was dimly lit and a bit hard to see, but I had to swallow my fear and go check it out for myself.

The Ink Demon could be anywhere, and if he knew Caleb and our father were here, he would come for me next...and from what I felt, it was sooner than expected....

I felt a pair of hands reach out and grab my shoulders. In a panic, I closed my eyes and started flailing about, screaming for Caleb and Dad as I felt a firm, familiar grip relax me and a voice calling my name.

I opened my eyes and was in tears from relief seeing my brother holding me, and he was badly bruised and bleeding from his mouth...

Savvy: Caleb...?

Caleb: You should've been more careful with who you're trying to hit, sis. I'm sorry if I startled you.

Savvy: No, no, it's fine. Granted, my reaction was appropriate, since I didn't know it was you at first...

I looked my brother up and down, then gave him a firm look. He released his grip on me.

Savvy: Caleb.

Silence Means You Agree (Rewritten)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt