Chapter 3.1 - Haley's New Allies

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"They told me I was perfect for the role...

Absolutely perfect.

Now Joey's going around, saying things behind closed doors, I can always tell. Now he wants to meet again tomorrow, says he has an opportunity for me, I'll hear him out.

But if that smooth talker thinks that he can double-cross an angel and get away with it...well, he's got another coming.

Alice...ooh, she doesn't like liars."

*Savvy's Narration*

The audio log ceased. Caleb and I were feeling so many different things at once just from seeing how Susie's sanity took a downward spiral all because of Joey's deception. From what we gathered, this "opportunity" was another one of Mr. Drew's most deceptive means of getting her to finally play the part she kept close to her heart. Miss Campbell started off as someone with high hopes, only to have them crushed on the day she was replaced. Clearly being called Alice gave her an ego boost, considering she had said that the character was like a part of was so much to process in so little time.

Eventually, we had to progress. There was a gondola just ahead and we needed to be careful not to fall into the dark chasm below. A dark trail lay ahead and many dark nights were upon us...

*Third Person Narration*

Boris and Haley trekked a long, dimly-lit hallway. Flashlight in hand, the wolf kept a firm grip on his companion's hand to keep her close to him in case any monsters sprung out at them. Haley noticed that Boris was tense from his firm handgrip, and gently squeezed back as reassurance.

Haley: Boris?

Boris: Hm?

Haley: I've noticed something...different about you ever since we escaped Malice's prison.

Boris: ...Different how?

Haley: Like when I managed to subdue Malice, you didn't hesitate in pushing her down as we fled...I even noticed that your grip is a little firm here. It made me think...are you hiding anything from me?

Boris: Now why would I keep secrets from you? I told you I'm fine.

Haley gave him a bit of a disbelieving look, then he relented.

Boris: ...Alright, if you're really curious about what's going on with me, and what lies ahead, I may as well---

Then the lights shut off. Boris could feel Haley clinging to him as he held her against his body.

Haley: Wh-what happened to the lights??

Boris: Damn screwed if this place is worn enough down as it is. *he feels the walls for a circuit breaker* Ah, there we go. Stay near me, I'm going to try and cut the power back on.

Haley: I'm not letting go.

Boris: *chuckles* OK, just checking. *he manages to link some wires, then feels a jolt of electricity hit his right arm as a melting noise could be heard* Darn it...

Haley: Boris, everything OK?

Boris: It's all good, I just faced a bit of an electrical surge...

Haley: I have suspicions that something happened.

Boris finally fixed the power cords inside and hit the switch. As the lights came back on, Haley's eyes widened in shock. Her companion had a new mechanical arm on his right socket, the thick ink melted off when it accidentally made contact with the wires that were loose. Boris nervously stared back at Haley as she opened her mouth to speak.

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