Chapter 3.2 - Brotherly Qualms

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*Third Person Narration*

Malice: "I'm actually impressed you all made it this far, considering how resilient you are from what I've seen. Everything you do is caught under your angel's watchful eye~"

Malice sneered at Henry and his two children with indignant glee as she watched them start to climb up the ramp, she thought it would be fun to poke them about the subject regarding Boris and Haley just to get a rise out of them.

Malice: "What is it that keeps you going? Is it the thrill of the hunt? The thirst for your freedom? Or all are wondering about what became of a certain wolf and his little lamb..."

Savvy's eyes widened a bit. There was no way Malice actually killed them that soon...but she didn't realize this twisted angel was lying through her teeth. Haley was with Boris and Alice preparing for a long journey ahead, but they didn't know that. Caleb and Henry shared an equal amount of shock as Savvy did, however they believed she only said these things to throw them off.

Her condescending tone gave off feelings of disgust and hatred in Henry and the kids, and it felt like poison seeping from her lips whenever she spoke in her sickly, sweet way. Almost reminded them of when they were forced to do errands for her in exchange for their freedom.

This horned broad was going to get her just desserts. No denying that. The party's main focus was to reach the top of the ramp, with Malice chuckling darkly as they progressed.

Malice: "You three better hurry, they seem to have trouble trying to...keep themselves together...~"

Savvy could feel her face grow a beet red in anger just from hearing Malice talk,  feeling a hand on her shoulder. Henry calmed her down as she sighed, Caleb noticing a small room just up ahead.

Savvy: "Think we could stop for a bit?"

Henry: "Looks to me like a resting place. We can take a moment before continuing our journey."

Caleb: "That doesn't sound like a bad idea. My legs are starting to get sore..."

Henry, Savvy and Caleb took a moment to rest and regain their energy after a long trek up the ramp. Savvy remained awake, keeping watch in case anything jumped out at them. Soon, she heard wasn't a Searcher this time, but what she saw above her was something she had never seen before.

A man made of ink. He was murmuring about Sammy telling them that an entity had promised them freedom, and even to turn them back to normal.

"He promised us freedom...that we would return to our normal human could he turn his back on us? Betray us? The prophet would never lie to us about our liberation!"

Savvy: "Um...who is he?"

The man looked down at Savvy as she was now engaged in this conversation. She was curious to know who "he" was, considering that this guy didn't mention anything about Zeta. He mentioned a prophet, so Sammy had something to do with all this. And...liberation. The man's eyes widened as he stared down at Savvy like a miracle was right before him.

"'s you! How did you know where we were?"

Savvy only stared back in confusion. How was she to know what this man meant based on what he said, and she hadn't the slightest idea how he knew about her.

Savvy: Have we met before?

"Of course we have! You're Miss Miracle, the one that freed us from despair! Don't you remember?"

Savvy was even more confused. She asked the man to elaborate on what he meant, watching him jump from the rafters, and leading her to a door that was in the back of the room.

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