The Great Battle for Dream Island Reunion

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Opening shot shows Four and X standing in front of a stage with a sign reading "Welcome Back BFB Contestants!" The camera zooms out to reveal Announcer and Purple Face sitting in the audience.

Announcer: Welcome back, contestants of BFB! It's been a long time since we last saw you all.

Purple Face: Yeah, we missed you all so much. (giggles)

Four: (grinning) We have a surprise for you all today. We're going to have a mini BFB competition to see who's the best of the best.

X: (excitedly) This is going to be great! Let's get started!

Announcer: (clears throat) First up, we have a challenge that tests your ability to work as a team. You'll need to build a tower using only the materials provided.

The contestants are brought on stage and divided into teams. Some of the contestants are hesitant to work together, but Four and X encourage them to try their best.

As the contestants start building, Four and X notice that Purple Face is starting to look a little suspicious. They investigate and discover that Purple Face has been sabotaging some of the teams by hiding their materials.

Four: (angrily) Purple Face, what are you doing?! You're ruining the competition!

Purple Face: (defensively) I just wanted to have some fun! I didn't mean to hurt anyone!

Announcer: (firmly) That's not acceptable, Purple Face. You've ruined the competition for everyone.

X: (sympathetically) It's okay, Purple Face. We all make mistakes. We'll just have to cancel this challenge and move on to the next one.

The contestants are disappointed, but they understand that Purple Face's actions were unacceptable. They move on to the next challenge, which is a trivia contest about BFB. The contestants are excited to show off their knowledge, and Four and X are

A/N: It's cut off because I was working on something and I tabbed off so it sucks also 299 words were used in the story if you were wondering.

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