Strength's and Weaknesses

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Announcer: Great job on the trivia contest, contestants! It's time for the next challenge, which will test your physical abilities.

The stage transforms into an obstacle course, complete with monkey bars, balance beams, and a giant slide.

Four: (excitedly) This looks like fun! Let's see who's the most agile of them all.

X: (nodding) I agree. Let's get started!

The contestants line up at the starting line, ready to take on the obstacle course. The race is intense, with contestants jumping, climbing, and sliding their way to the finish line.

As the race heats up, Four notices that Announcer is struggling to keep up. He decides to give Announcer a little help.

Four: (whispering to Announcer) Hey, Announcer. You look like you could use a boost. Let me give you a hand.

Announcer: (gratefully) Thank you, Four! I really appreciate it.

With Four's help, Announcer manages to make it to the finish line. The other contestants cheer them on, happy to see such great sportsmanship.

X: (smiling) That was a great race, everyone. You all did a fantastic job.

Announcer: (breathlessly) Thanks, X. That was really tough, but I had a blast!

Purple Face: (sheepishly) I'm sorry for what I did earlier. I promise I won't do it again.

Four: (smiling) That's okay, Purple Face. We all make mistakes. The important thing is that we learn from them.

X: (nodding) Absolutely. And it looks like everyone had a great time today.

The episode ends with the contestants and hosts all smiling and laughing, happy to be reunited and have fun together once again.

A/N: I'm thinking of posting a chapter day by day but honestly  I'm not sure what you guys think so please just comment your opinion also thanks for 5 views! this is my first story and I'm glad atleast 5 people viewed it :D also since the A.I. won't specify the contestants I'll put random character voting at the end next chapter anyways thanks for reading this A.I. Story!

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