Chapter 3: A Fathers last gift

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- After successfully taking down Neinhart and dimaria along with Jacob natsu's team of him and Lucy with happy, mest and Brandish head out to one of the twelve and most powerful male member other then zeref. They were planning on negotiating with him to try and stop zeref from taking fairy heart once his team arrived they met up with jellal and meredy. jellal wanted to negotiate as well once August arrived to there location brandish tried her best to plead August to stop this war. Jellal agreed with her so did natsu and Lucy but mest had other plans he had placed false memories in Brandish to which made her stab August through his stomach and enlarging the dagger with her magic. everyone was shocked of what had happened unaware acnologia had ran into Irene then soon Bagan to fight not far from her gajeel was busy fighting bloodman who was a demon book of zeref had had taken out so many members of fairy tail, Sabertooth and a few of blue Pegasus. Gajeel was struggling to take on bloodman then levy and lily appeared trying to help gajeel but he mad with clear he didn't want them there to get hurt.

-Gajeel had a crazy idea to devour the bane particles once he did he finally unlocked his dragon force allowing him to take down bloodman but victory was short lived just before bloodman died he used his remaining power to snare gajeel in a portal to the purgatory or the afterlife. As he was sinking in he wished he could've had a peaceful life with levy then back at Irene and acnologia she had used her power spell to reconstruct the whole continent rearranging and oddly enough it saved gajeel teleporting him to a safe location and even saving natsu and his team from August shi was furious of what mest made Brandish do, back at the mermaid heel guild as the continent was changed erza's team was suddenly outside near the church from Magnolia as Ryoto was carrying erza on his back keeping her safe, gray and juvia along with Wendy and Carla were traveling with them trying to get back to there guild but had no idea where to go since the land had now changed as the rest of fairy tail was now by the shoreline.

Ryoto: did anyone else notice the land turning red*held erza on his back supporting her by her legs*

Gray: were near mermaid heel but now ahh where are we*looks around then sees the church from Magnolia* how did this get here.

Juvia: gray darling look*she pointed out that multiple buildings and landmarks were all mixed together and in random places* how did this happen.

Carla: it clearly was the work of a powerful wizard who we should avoid.

Wendy*shaking with fear and points upwards* guys look.

-Everyone looked up seeing a giant red eye watching over them as if someone was spying on them. It was Irene after she had taken over the castle and turning princess hisui into a mouse.

Ryoto: I'm getting a odd feeling about all this* I hope everyone at the guild is doing okay.*kept erza close*

- after the huge flash of light from Irene's spell universal one Mavis was left all alone at her guild except she thought she was alone Irene had arrived inside the castle wipes out Arcadios along with his men easily, She begins to torment Hisui changing her into a mouse but quickly catches a presence, using her left eye as a scope to the area, noticing someone with scarlet hair similar to her. On the battlefront, some of the Fairy Tail members continue to the struggle; Juliet and Heine appear likewise, deciding on murdering Mirajane before the task of eliminating Makarov but Mirajane easily takes them down but Irene showed up along with August he quickly took out Mirajane but brandish used her magic to save her by decreasing the wound then they take off towards Fairy tail to meet up with zeref and the rest of there team. By some bad luck zeref was now at the guild along with his friend invel both had been waiting for her to awaken. Mavis tried to escape and inform her friends but invel had used his ice slave spell it attached to Mavis like a chain and collar made of ice upon her neck which kept her from speaking or even thinking and totally to Zerefs whim. As zeref waits for Irene to come and take Fairy Heart from Mavis and transfer to him but along the coast line the rest of fairy tail members were trying to figure out what had happened and where the guild is. but warron quickly figuring out the guilds location but was worried about everyone else until they heard a voice in there heads.

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