Chapter 4: Son vs Father

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- After Irene's defeat at the hands of her own daughter erza with the help of ryoto and Wendy. They gained a new friend and once there battle was finally over Irene canceled her spell upon the continent allowing it to return to normal, but once it was undone they were standing outside fairy hills where the female wizards of fairy tail live. Wendy healed everyone of there injuries with the help of Irene and while they were catching there breath ryoto and Wendy stood up shaking with fear. Both caught a familiar scent of something dangerous heading there way.

Erza: what's wrong you two is something coming.

Ryoto*stood in front of erza and Irene and Wendy* you three stay behind me he's coming.

Irene: I know I can sense his magic I thought I had bought us more time but I guess I was wrong.

Erza: who's coming *looking around*

Wendy*shaking with fear* it can't be not him not now.

- with a flash of light something had smacked into the ground just a few feet away from ryotos group. Once the dust had settled it was quite clear who it was standing there with a cloak covering half his body it was acnologia in his human form.

Erza: who is that I can sense his magic its on another level.

Ryoto: it's my father acnologia*clinched his fists*  hello father I would say it's nice to see you but I'd be lying.

Acnologia: well if it isn't my failure of a son ryoto*grins* don't think just because your my son that I won't kill you because I made a promise to kill all dragons and all slayers.

Irene: acnologia you have no business here and he's your son you shouldn't kill him*looks down* even though I just tried to kill my only daughter but *looks at him* she and her family help me realize that a parents job is to protect there children.

Acnologia: my family died over 400 years ago when dragons killed everyone in my village then destroyed it.

Ryoto: Irene don't waste your breath on him because my father lost his mind ages ago*standing guard* I won't die by your hands and I won't let you harm my family.

Wendy: he's too powerful ryoto *shakes her head* but if we must fight then I'll back you up.

Erza: are you guys nuts he's acnologia the black dragon of death he'll kill you both.

- without warning acnologia charged in attempting to strike and kill erza but before he made contact with her, Ryoto jumped in punching his father in the face sending him hurdling through fairy hills.

Ryoto: if you so much as lay a hand on my wife I'll kill you without mercy *glaring* everyone get back.

- acnologia walked out from the rubble laughing while he changed into his dragon form he stood high over the others looking down at them.

Acnologia: fools you can't stop me and once I kill you I'll go find and kill everyone you love and care about*laughing *

Irene: we have to retreat we can't fight him alone.

Ryoto: no you guys go I'm going to fight him alone.

Erza*slaps ryoto* idiot *she starts crying* Ryoto you don't die for your friends you live to protect them and fighting him is suicide.

Ryoto*holds his face after being slapping seeing her crying* I know erza and I promise I won't die*hugged her* I promise.

Acnologia: you guys are making me sick * raising hus right arm about to strike them*

- suddenly acnologia was struck down   by blue Pegasus air ship within a few seconds ichyia shouted out for them to get aboard, everyone quickly climbed aboard as the air ship took off over the ocean with acnologia hot on there tail after getting up.

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