Thirty Three.

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Thirty Three.

James' POV.

I groaned when my alarm clock went off a couple of hours later. Luckily I only had class in the afternoon today.

I shut it off and stayed laying down for a couple of minutes. God, I was tired. Literally last time I do anything Tommy asks me to.

I eventually got up and changed my clothes. I was in the middle of throwing all my clothes that were on the floor on a chair when I realized I had to wash my stained shirt from last night and return ex hot girl's friend hers.

"Anyone know the name of the girl who lent me this shirt?", I said a couple of minutes later, entering the kitchen with both shirts in hand and seeing all the boys awake having breakfast.

Everyone looked like sh*t.

"Yeah, her name's Olivia", Reece told me.

"Did you get her number or something? I need to give this back to her", I explained.

"Yeah, they're back at the Residence. I can tell her you'll drop it later", he proposed.

"Great", I said sipping a mug of coffee down in three swallows and heading towards the washing room. "Barely have time till I have to get to class", I muttered to myself, checking the hour on my phone as I set the machine and sat down to wait.


"What's that?", Tom asked coming into the kitchen at lunch time as I was making myself a sandwich.

I turned around to look what he was looking at and saw soap coming from underneath the washing room's door.

"Oh, sh*t", I said dropping my food and running over there.

"James, what are you doing?", Tom yelled after me, clearly angry by what was happening.

"I swear I only left two minutes to have something to eat!", I said running through the room towards the washing machine. "What do we do?", I panicked.

"Unplug it!", he yelled, already beside me.

As soon as I did the power went off in the entire house.


"What's going on?".

"Bloody peasants!".

Everyone's complaining yells were heard at once.

"I can't bloody believe it", Tom said closing his eyes, annoyed.

"Luckily, the shirts weren't damaged", I smiled brightly taking them out of the machine.

"Luckily? Yeah, for you... Half the kitchen is flooded, the power's out and most likely the machine broke!".

"Okay, okay, calm down! Geez! I'll mop the floor but first I'll go check the power fuse box. Don't worry. Let me take care of everything. I have it under control", I said walking backwards whilst looking at him and finally disappearing from sight.

After finding the box outside and opening it I let out a sigh of relief. Luckily, none of the fuses  had burnt and the main power source was down, meaning that when I put it back up, the power came back immediately.

"Mom?", I called her as I made my way back to the kitchen to get started on that floor.

"What did you now?", was the first thing she said.

"Why would you assume I did anything?", I replied defensively.

"James... I raised you, son. I can tell when you're calling to tell me bad news or ask for help", she retorted.

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