Thirty Eight.

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Thirty Eight.

James' POV.

"Mate, can I come in?", Tom popped his head through my door while I tried to study.

Yeah, I actually did study. It was why I was here for after all, right?

"Yeah, come in", I answered absent minded. "What's up?".

"I need you to do me a favour".

"Sure. What is it?", I looked up at him.

"I need you to sell pies for me. The Wheel of Pep is coming up".

"Aye, I'll do it", I smiled. "I love WOP".

"Thanks mate. I really owe you one".

"You did set me up with Mila after all", I winked at him. "Oi, Tom", he turned around to look at me again just as he was about to leave. "What's the catch?".

"W-what do you mean?", he asked a little bit nervous.

"I know you... There's a catch. What is it?".

We looked at each other for a couple seconds. Man, this had to be bad if he wasn't telling me.

I raised my eyebrows still waiting for his reply.

He sighed before answering.

"Oh, all right. You have me... You and Belle are gonna be selling them together".

I swear my stomach did a back flip at his words. I was in so much trouble for this. I even had to really try to hide the smile that was threatening to come out any second.

"Can you do that?", he asked as I as dramatically as I could grabbed my neck with my two hands whilst looking at the floor.

"Yeah... Yeah, I can".


Ssaturday at midday I decided to arrive early. Mostly to calm my nerves. I've never been a sweaty hands kinda person but today for some odd reason I was.

Since all the pies were different flavoured I put them in different sections and even put up price tags.

I was distracting myself pretty good to be honest.

The other counselors were helping set up the stage in the background and music was playing along.

This wasn't so bad after all.

I'd just finished with the pies when I sudennly looked up and saw Tom and Belle coming in my direction.

They were arguing about something. Ha, Tom probably hadn't told her I was gonna be here.

"Hey, Tommy boy!", I waved when they were practically on me. "Belle", I greeted her trying to keep it cool.

She didn't say anything. Instead, she examined the stand and even though I didn't know her that well I could tell she was impressed. She didn't know I had it in me.

"O-kay. I'll leave you guys to it. Have fun", Tom smiled at us one last time before taking off to do whatever it was he did as a counselor.

To avoid all interaction with me whatsoever she started cutting same lengthen ribbons to tie the different flavored pies with a color each. I watched her for a couple seconds diverted until I finally came up to her and started helping her out.

"Where are the other boys?", I asked her.

She took a few moments before answering. I had her attention. Good.

"Reece and Charlie were still at the house when I left", she said. "They said they're gonna come down later. Casey, Barcs and Jake are somewhere over there waiting for the Wheel of Pep to start", she pointed towards them. "Over there are Luke, Anabel and Olivia", she then pointed in a different direction. "Chris, I have no idea".

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