Forty Five.

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Forty Five.

James' POV.

I woke up and felt someone snuggled upon my chest.

"Morning", I wrapped my arms around Belle as I smiled.

She put a hand on my chest and I closed the space between our lips.

"How did you sleep?", I asked.

"Dreamless night", she pointed out surprised. "It's been a while...", she mumbled.

I looked down at her, cupping her face with my thumb.

"This can't happen again if we don't want anyone finding out yet", she spoke up, looking up at me.

"F*ck that. If someone actually walked in on us that would actually make everything so much easier...", I admitted.

"That you say now", she rolled her eyes as she let herself fall down again onto the bed. "Ugh, I'm feeling sooo lazy", she kicked me gently as she stretched.

We spent a couple of seconds in silence, simply laying there.

"I have a plan for us today", I murmured as I rubbed my thumb on her shoulder sweetly.

"Oh?", she asked surprised.

"You'll see", I winked at her misteriously before getting out of bed.

I checked that none of the boys were in the hallway before tiptoeing my way back to my room.

After taking a shower I joined the boys and Belle for lunch.

We stole each other a smile from across the table before passing on to pretend we didn't even speak to each other.

"What's everyone up to today?", Tom asked as all the boys took turns to answer. "James?", he asked when I didn't say anything.

"I gotta go the music room", I said looking at Belle for a fraction of a second hoping she'd get the hint.

"And what about you Belle?", they all turned to look at her.

"Off to see the girls at the Residence. See you later guys".

And without a second glance she'd already left.


"The music room? What are we doing here?", she asked once I joined her there minutes after having left the house myself. "You didn't bring another girl, did you?", she teased. Or at least I hoped she was. "You know, I was so angry when I caught you kissing that girl...", she confessed shyly, sitting down on one of the audience chairs.

"I know. I messed up...", my stomach tied itself on a knot. "I was trying to forget you", I said quietly not even looking at her.

"What are we doing here?", she repeated her first question with a smile on her face.

"Well, since the only way I'm gonna get you to show me how you play the cello is if I do something that is as significant to me as that is to you then I decided to show you what I can do", I said already making my way towards the piano. "Ready?".

And without waiting for confirmation or any longer I started to play.

I couldn't help smile as I started to sing. She looked at me so intently and so surprised..

Usually no one imagined I had this voice when they first saw me. It was interesting to see their reactions. To see them lose theirselves to every note as much as I did.

Singing to me was like reading was to others. I got myself lost in the stories behind the lyrics.

It was... comforting to see that I made them feel that way. That I did something good for someone: making people forget about their problems back in their every day lives.

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