Fifty Eight.

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Fifty Eight.

I couldn't stop thinking about James' expression after I'd gotten into the car.

He'd been so hurt. But not more than how I was feeling at this very second.

He'd ruined our chances the minute he'd left with Mila and slept with her.

"How could he?", I whispered to myself, trying not to break into tears.

I genuinely thought things we're gonna cool down between us, and the moment that happened I'd be able to explain what had happened and that way me and James would've been able to go back to being together like nothing had ever happened.

But since he'd gone running to her arms the first chance he'd gotten...

Everything had changed.

"Earth calling to Belle...", Cody suddenly snapped me back into existence as he waved a hand in front of me.

"Hands on the wheel", I blurted out angrily as I steadied the car.

"Sorry...", he chuckled nervously fixing his eyes on the road again. "Things with James don't look so good, do they?", he broke the silence some seconds later.

I shook my head.

"So tell me exactly why I risked that relationship to get into this car with you...", I said closing my eyes.

I had a terrible headache.

"Now", I demanded quite fiercely.

Cody sighed. He seemed rather nervous.

"I just want you to know that... I never would've risked your life if it hadn't been important...", he started explaining himself.

"What do you mean?", I asked curious now.

"...After the accident... Carter thought you were dead. He still does. Otherwise he would've gone looking for you at uni, believe me. I made sure you were safe and I disappeared into hiding as best as I could...".

"What changed?", I tried to make sense of all of this he was telling me.

"I obviously changed my name, my numbers, everything. I haven't been on my social media... I haven't gone back to my house since...".

"Cody, get to the point...", I said through gritted teeth, starting to get exasperated.

"Belle, this is about your mom", he finally got to it.


This had surely gone down an unexpected path.

To be honest, I was expecting a love declaration, him begging me to escape with him because Carter was still after him and it would've ended me convincing him to let me help him and denying his offer because despite of everything... I was still in love with James.

"Your mom is in the hospital, Belle... She's clinging to her life right now".

"But what happened?", I tried to understand.

"Sh-she... She tried to kill herself", he lowered his voice, not being able to even look at me.

"Wh-what? Why?", I resisted the urge to shake him so he told me everything once and for all.

"She thinks you're dead", he closed his eyes, waiting for my reaction.

"You didn't bothered to tell my mother I was alive?!", I yelled at him, furious.

"You don't understand Am... Belle! Belle...".

"Are you insane?! All this time I thought she didn't care about me... I thought I was alone... But why didn't she take the calls from the hospital??".

"She was devastated... She wouldn't get up from the couch. And the hospital was calling about someone else...".

"Wait, you've seen her?".

"I've been keeping an eye on her", he admitted.

I took my head between my hands.


This was just too much to take in...

"If I hadn't been I wouldn't have found her when I did... It was me who called the ambulance. It's a miracle she's even alive...".

"Before... You said the hospital was calling about someone else... What were you talking about?".

"Belle...", he looked at me as if it were obvious. "Your real name's not Belle".


"How do we know it's safe?", I said looking over my shoulder as we made our way down the hospital's hall towards my mother's room.

"It's not", Cody looked at me intently. "But I knew you wouldn't care...".

I gave him a small, appreciative smile.

"She's in here", he said once we got to her door and putting a hand on the door knob. "You ready?".

I nodded once and let him open the door for me.

Shyly, I went into the room. There was a single bed and there lying on it was my mom.

Tears formed in my eyes as soon as I saw her.

I heard Cody closing the door behind me as he waited for me outside.

I focused my attention once more on the bed.

"Mom?", I sobbed, coming closer towards her.

I didn't stop the tears that were now falling freely on my face.

I took her hand and sat down next to her. She had an iportant bandage around her neeck...

Cody hadn' t said how she'd tried to end her life...

I'd assumed she'd used pills. Never in a million years would I have thought she'd slash her throat open.

A small gasp left my mouth as a hand went up to cover it.

"You're gonna get better, mom", I said in between sobs. "We're gonna make up for lost time and you're gonna be so happy to find out I'm still alive", I whispered that last word before my vision got blury. "I love you", I stood up to plant a kiss on her forehead.

It was time to be strong until all of thid was over. I couldn't afford to crumble this very instant.

"I'll be back as soon as I can. I promise".

"How is she?", Cody asked me as soon as I opened the door.

My fake smile told him everything.

"Belle... I'm so sorry...", his voice cracked as I shut the door closed.

"It's okay", I wrapped him in a very much needed hug.

He was hesitant at first but then he wrapped his arms around me and returned it.

And then... Boom. An explosion was heard behind us and the expansive wave sent us tumbling towards the floor.


Sh*t's getting real!! I've actually found a way to make the story a little bit longer. But still, few chapters left! Don't worry, James will be back soon!!

Oh, I don't know if I ever told you... But Cody is Cody Christian (Mike from PLL, Theo from Teen Wolf). Idk it's how I've always pictured him haha. Belle is no fool when picking her boyfriends huh ;)

Anyways, who do you think is behind the explosion? What do you think is gonna happen now? Will James come to the rescue?

Don't forget to vote and comment! X

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