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Huey - I am not a prophet. But sometimes I have prophetic dreams. Like the one where I was at a garden party.

Huey walks in on a stage and brings down the mic and gives an announcement to the crowd of rich people.

Huey - Excuse me. Everyone, I have a brief announcement to make. Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil, and the government is lyin' about 9/11. Thank you for your time and good night.

Rich women - No! That can't be true!

"Jackie comes after Huey with Jackie silhouette kicking while Jackie is shown petting his dog, giving an annoyed look in front of a grey background, A black-white Jackie is shown punching the camera and shows Jackie's mug shot is him giving a pissed-off look, and side shot of him crossed arm"

In the living room of the Freeman house, Robert is working out naked.

TV - Work it out, yeah, Everybody work that body, Move your body,  To the beat  Everybody move that body Oh, yeeeaaah, Yeah 

Granddad - Sorry, Billy Blanks, but why buy the tape when you can get the infomercial for free?Whew!

Cut to Robert in the kitchen and opens the fridge and grabs a carton of orange juice to pour himself a class but only gets a drop.

Granddad - What the hell? Boys! Would one of y'all like to explain this?

Huey, Riley, and Jackie all in pajamas join Robert in the kitchen.

Riley - Uh... You mean, the orange juice or the miniskirt? Which one of y'all drank the last glass of orange juice?

Granddad - Which one of y'all drank the last glass of orange juice? That's the last full day's supply of vitamin C. What am I supposed to do about my vitamin C now? Y'all need to start appreciatin' your granddaddy. I went and spent your inheritance on this beautiful house in this neighborhood. And all I ask you to do is act like you got some class.

Riley - Hey, what's class

Huey - It means don't act like niggas.

Jackie - Or act like idoits.

Granddad - S-see? That's what I'm talkin' about right there. We don't use the N-word in this house.

Huey - Granddad, you said the word "nigga" 46 times yesterday. I counted.

Granddad - Nigga, hush.

Jackie - And that's 47

Granddad - Now, you may not like it, but I moved y'all out here to expand your horizon. There's a new white man out here. He's refined. For example, did you know that the new white man loves gourmet cheese?

Huey - Wait. I'm sorry, did you say cheese?

Granddad - Yep, cheese. You give the meanest white man a piece of cheese, and he turns into Mr. Rogers.

Huey - Granddad, that doesn't make sense.

Granddad - Don't you talk back to me

Huey - Granddad, you can't tame the white supremacist power structure with cheese!

Granddad - Oh, yes, I can!

Huey - No, you can't!

Granddad - Yes, I can!

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