Im so sorry.

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So unfortunately i wrote this whole chapter but i forgot so save it so i had to rewrite it therefore this is gonna be a shitty one. My sincere apologies! AND TWIGGER WARNING⚠️THERE ARE MENTIONS OF SUICIDE IN THIS!!!!

~Bridge scene towards the end of episode 5~

"Tennesee move your ass now!" Violet shouts.

"Aj jump now!" Clem calls from the other side of the gap.

Aj's stood still, hes too focused on Tenn and Violet.
Violet finally gets herself and Tenn across, but when Aj attempts to jump after them but hes grabbed by walkers.

"AJ! NO YOU GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!" Clem shouts while trying to get back over to him.

Violet holds her back while Clem does everything in her power to get across but cant, instead they watch Aj being mauled by walkers.

"My little goofball.."

~Three months later~

"Hey Clem, can i come in?" Louis calls from the other side of Clems door.

Getting no response he takes it as a no but walks in anyway.

"How you holding up?" Louis asks.

Clems sat at her desk twirling around Ajs homemade knife not answering any of his questions.

"So Violet was wondering if you maybe wanted to come along with us tomorrow? Were going hunting?"

"And she couldnt ask me herself?"

"I- Uh- Im not sure."

"I dont blame her."

"She thinks you do, and well shes scared to talk to you."

They sit in akward silence for a moment before Clem finally breaks it.

"Ill go tomorrow." She says coldly walking out of her room leaving Louis behind.

A few hours passed and Clems on top of the bell tower sitting on top of the barricade that's designed so people dont fall to their death while walking.

"Hope your not planning on jumping." A familiar voice called out.

Clem didnt look back she kept her focus on the Courtyard and forest. She knew it was Violet.

"Thinkin about it." Clem says not looking back at Violet but instead looking down to the ground below her.

"Didnt sound like a joke." Violet says walking up beside Clem and leaning on the barrier.

They sat in silence for a while.

"I uh, I need to talk to you for a sec, can we go somewhere you cant fall to your death." Violet asks cautiously.

Clem sighs and gets down after Violet ruined her plans. She follows Violet over to a 'safer' somewhere.

"Listen, I know you blame me for what happened to... Aj, and you have every right to. It was my job to get him across the gap but I was too focused on Tenn to realise Aj wasnt across. Clem im so sorry for what happened."

"I dont blame you." Clem says getting up and walking back to the barrier she was originally at.

Violet follows her over to see what she was doing. Clem had her hands on the barrier and looking down at the floor as if she was about to do something she regretted.

"Clem? What are you doing?"

"Im so sick of it. I want to be anywhere other than this shithole of a world. Its only a matter of time before someone else i know dies. Lou, Ruby, Aasim, Willy, Omar... or godforbid.. you violet. I dont wanna stick around for that." Clem chokes out.

"What? Clementine were safe, please dont do this." Violet says slowly walking toward Clementine.

Clems grip tightens on the barricade as if she were to hoist herself across, but before that can happen Violet quickly jolts foward and grabs ahold of Clem, pulling her in for a hug.

"No! No! you cant take this away from me. No." Clem tries to fight back but eventually gives in.

Violet holds Clem tight knowing what will happen if she lets go. Violet helps Clem down the bell tower keeping a close eye on her. They walk back to the dorms, Clem opens her bedroom door not closing it behind her knowing Vi is going to come in no matter what to keep an eye on Clem. Violet sits in the desk chair and Clem lies down on her bed facing the wall.

The next morning Violets still sitting in the chair when Clem wakes up.

"Im fine you can go." Clem says in a scratchy morning voice.

"No im not leaving your side, now get ready for breakfast ill be outside the door." Violet says.

Clem gets up to see all her knifes and anything she could harm herself with gone. Violet took everything while Clem was asleep.

"Fuck sake." Clem mutters under her breathe.

Clem opens her bedroom door to let Violet in while she gets ready.

"Gutting out my room really?"

"Clem I cant lose you. None of us can. We cant stand another death."

"Well goddamit neither can i!" Clem shouts slamming her hands down on the table beside her. "How long till someone is shot by raiders? Or mauled by a walker? Huh? How fucking long Violet!"

Violets shocked. Shes never seen Clem like this.

"I just, I cant lose anyone else Vi. Especially not you." Clem chokes out.

During all the shouting the others heard and Lou came running to the door.

"What the fuck?" Lou asks.

"Were fine, leave us alone." Violet mutters.

"Doesnt really sound it."

"Lou were fine!" Violet says shutting the door in his face.

Vi stands at the door for a minute processing everything going through her head before finally turning to Clem, sitting on the bed with her hands covering her face.

"So what? You mean you want to kill yourself?"

Clem doesnt say anything she looks down at the floor in sadness and guilt.

"What about us Clem? What about the guys? How would we feel if we woke up one morning to see you dead on the fucking ground!" Violet shouts.

"Im sorry."

"So what now? Keep people watching you?" Violet suggests.

"Not a fucking chance."

"Your not giving me alot of options here Clem."

"How about you move back in hm, you can keep an eye on me or whatever?" Clem suggests.

"Okay yeah that'll work, i guess."

Towards the end. (Violentine)Where stories live. Discover now