What happened?

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Mentions of sh

Violet woke up first rubbing her eyes and yawning. She looks around to see Clem sound asleep, she decides to get up and go to the bathroom. Violet quietly walks down the hall as its still early and the sun is only starting to rise. Before reaching the bathroom she checks to make sure no one seen her enter it. Violet climbs out the window on too the ledge. Before sitting down something caught her eye. Something shining in the sun. It was a shard of broken and sharp glass. Violet sighed and sat down on the ledge holding the glass with a tight grip. She sighed and gave in, lifting up her shirt to see all of her scars and burns. She slowly started to add to them. A few minutes later she wiped the blood and attempted to pull her shirt back down, but it was almost as if she hadnt wiped the blood at all. It just keep pouring out.

shit, shit! Why wont it fucking stop!

Violet quickly wiped the blood away and hoped that it would soon stop with the pressure of her clothes. She gathered herself and climbed back in, walking back to Clementines room. While closing Clementines door behind her, she closed it a bit too fast causing Clem to open her eyes slowly.

"Shit sorry didnt mean to wake you." Violet mumbled scrathing the back of her neck.

"Goodmorning to you too, where've you been?" Clem asked while yawning.

"Just in the bathroom." Violet said giving Clem a reassuring smile.

Clementine moved over and held her arms out as if she wanted Violet to get into bed beside her, So violet did. After a few minutes of holding eachother in eachothers arm, Clem started to move around as if she was uncomfortable with something.

"Why are your clothes wet?" Clementine asked pulling back to have a closer look.

"What? There not?" Violet said confused.

"Vi, your bleeding!" Clem shouted.

Violet hopped out of the bed to see Clem was right. There was blood on the mattress, Violets shirt, Violets hoodie and some blood had leaked down to the side of her jeans.

"Shit" Was all Violet said before looking up at Clementine.

"What the fuck did you do Vi!" Clementine shouted not in anger, but in worry for her girlfriends health.

But Violet didnt respond she just stood blankly before collapsing. She lost too much blood and she was starting to drift in and out of consciousness.

Violet woke up in a room similar to Clems but not the one she was in last time. She sat up and looked around to see she was hooked to an IV, and her stomach, sides and back was wrapped in bandages. She looked around for her clothes as Violet felt uncomfortable with only her sports bra on. While looking, someone walked in the door surprised to see Violet awake.

"Lay back down, you lost alot of blood." Kate pleaded.

"Why am i here?" Violet asked.

"Well as i said you lost a lot of blood and you collapsed from it." Kate answered.

"Shit.." Violet mumbled under her breathe.

"One of your, cuts, it was extremely deep and it needed 11 stitches to close." Kate said. "Im not judging, but you do need help, from me, Eleanor, Clem or just anyone you feel comfortable with."

"What am i supposed to do?" Violet asked looking at Kate.

"Well, you can start by telling me why you started in the first place or whatever you feel like saying."

"Um, I guess i just found comfort in it when i was sad or alone." Violet explained. "When i was first sent to Ericsons i felt alone and sad because my parents just shipped me off to the school. I started when I was eleven, on and off for those couple years after the outbreak until Clem kissed me. I stopped because well, I was happy. But once Aj passed, the only thing i felt was guilt. It was my job to get Aj across and I couldnt do that one thing, then Clem kinda shut down. I guess I found comfort in it again, and i got addicted." Violet said while trying to hold back tears.

Towards the end. (Violentine)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant