We need help!

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Both girls walk out the door, on their way to breakfast.

"Clem you know ive to tell the others right?" Violet says cautiously.

Clem sighs and nods her head. She knows Vi's only trying to help but deep down she just wishes she wasnt bothered that night. She wishes she couldve let go.

When they arrive at the table Violet sits beside Clem for a minute before asking Ruby if she could talk to her for a minute. Vi asked Ruby to keep an eye on Clem and not let her outve her sights while Vi spoke to Louis for a while. Ruby agreed but asked questions, but all Vi could say was she would inform her later.

"Lou can i talk to you for a sec?" Violet asks looking at Clem sadly, who has her head facing down at the table.

Lou and Violet walk to the admin building and up to Marlons former office. Violet sits in Marlons chair and Lou sits on the desk.

"Listen Lou, before i say anything promise not to lose your shit."

"I promise?"

"So uh as you know i went up to bell tower to talk to Clem last night but when i went up something seemed off i guess, Clem she was sitting on the railing y'know the one people dont sit on if they dont want to fall to their death? Yeah anyway i think she was planning to jump off."

"What the fuck?!"

"Yeah so i asked her to get down and come over to someplace safer cause i wanted to talk to her about.. y'know, and when i talked to her all she said was 'i dont blame you' and walked back to the railing. Lou she was going to fuckin jump."

"Oh fuck Vi. What the fuck do we do?"

"Well im moving back in to her room so thats a start but its not like we can chain her to her bed everytime someones not around her." Tears now forming in Violets eyes. "Lou i cant lose her."

Lou reassures Violet for a few minutes before heading back out to breakfast. When they open the admin doors they look to see Clem missing.

"Where is Clem!?" Violet asks furiously.

"She needed the bathroom?" Ruby answers confused.

Lou and Violet look at eachother before booking it to Clementines bedroom. Violet gets there way before Lou.

"CLEM!" Violet shouts bursting through the door.

Clementine jumped to the sound of the door nearly flying off the hinges.

"What the fuck was that for Vi?" Clem says confused.

Violet runs over to hug Clementine while processing the relief she felt.

"Fuck Clem i thought you-" Violets cut off by Clems lips.

All of their worry and stress had washed away in those few moments.

Clem pulls away and looks down embarrassed.

"Shit im sorry i didnt-"

Violet smile to herself not knowing Clem still even felt that way.

"Clem its fine, but what are you doing?" Violet asks suspiciously.

"I thought we were going hunting..?"

"Oh shit yeah i forgot about that, where is he-"

There interrupted by Louis coming crashing down the hall completely missing their door.

"Shit i- whew- hang on- just need a sec" Louis says out of breathe collapsing by the door.

Both girls chuckle to themselves at their idiotic friend.

"How are- you so fuck- fucking fast Vi" Louis asks almost passing out.

"Maybe if you ran as much as you played that piece of firewood you might just stand a chance." Violet smiled.

Clem chuckles to herself again and Vi looks back and smiles as she hasnt heard Clementine laugh in a long time.

"Ready to go?" Violet asks both of them.

The trio set out for the rabbit traps to find nothing. They discuss what they should do for a while and come up with a plan to set out for past the safe zone. Louis scouts ahead while the two girls trail behind.

"So that kiss?" Violet asks curiously.

"Im sorry Vi i- i shouldve asked." Clem mutters.

"No no its okay, I just i didnt think you still felt that way.." Violet reassured Clem.

"Do you..?" Clem asked looking at the floor.

"What? Of course I do."

"Really? even after i pushed you and everyone else away, i mean i was so ignorant and bitchy to yous."

"Clem you went through something no one should have to go through, I wasnt going to be mad at you for that."

Clementine smiles to herself and heasitantly takes ahold of Violets hand, intertwining fingers. They continue walking for a few minutes before they catch up to Lou whos crouched down beside a large tree.

"Whats up Lou?"

"Walkers everywhere."

Both girls crouch down to have a better chance at not being spotted and look for themselves. There was a horde of atleast 20 walkers all gathered around a little house.

"Could be food in it?"

"Yeah maybe we should wait till they clear out and have a look."

Everyone agrees, until they hear a clocking siund behind them.

"I need that food more than you." An unfamiliar voice said. "Hands up intertwine you fingers behind your head."

Lou and Violet did what he asked but Clem stayed calm and still. She waited until the man started talking again to turn around and make her attack. She got him to the ground and took his gun. Lou and Violet stayed alert to see if any walkers heard the commotion.

"Jesus Clem never seen you that rough." Lou says

"Didnt want yous to get hur-" Clem say's interrupted by a gunshot.

Lou and Violet took cover behind a tree but where is Clem? They peak out to see people coming running and Clem clutching her stomach with her hand and on her knees. During the commotion the man got up and ran.

"Clem what are you doi-" Violet interrupted by the sight of blood rushing outve her back and stomach.

Clems been shot. The bullet went through and through but it didnt take a rocket scientist to know it had penetrated an organ and to see that she was loosing alot of blood fast.

"Ill distract them, get Clem to the school Now!" Louis whispers.

Lou runs off in the opposite direction of the school and the people followed. Violet quickly got up and picked Clem up and made a run for it to the school. Clem was unconscious in her arms and was bleeding heavily. After a few more minutes of running Violet stopped to hear people running in her direction. She turned but people were coming from all angles. She quickly put Clem on the ground and held pressure on the wound.

"Weve got you now fuckers." A man called out.

Violet had no other choice but to surrender and hopefully get Clem medical attention by one of these people.

"I need help please im harmless ive no weapons on me but my friend- shes bleeding out!" Violet shouted.

A man came running as if he was going to help but instead hit Violet on the head with his shoutgun, knocking her unconscious.

Towards the end. (Violentine)Where stories live. Discover now