~ Chapter 7. The Forest River ~

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The next morning Sylvanas and Tauriel were about to go check on the Dwarves when suddenly one of the High Guards came towards them.

"The prisoners, they've escaped." He stated.

"Go find Legolas." Sylvanas commanded the High Guard and with a nod he hurried to find the Prince.

"Tool hi (Come now)!" Said Tauriel as they headed down to the cellar to look for the keeper of the keys. When they reached the cellar they had seen that the giant barrels were missing and the door to the river had just closed. Sylvanas saw three of the scouts, sleeping and bottles of wine sat next to them on the table. She, the scouts and Tauriel headed back up and ran into to Legolas.

"Where are they?" He asked.

"They're heading down to the river gate." Said Sylvanas.

Legolas quickly turned and ran towards the river gate, Sylvanas and Tauriel followed. The scouts and Feren too followed the three of them.

"Holo in eynn! (Shut the gate)!" Commanded Legolas and Feren blew the horn. Sylvanas and Tauriel ran ahead, making their way towards the river gate as they saw the Dwarves in the barrels heading towards it. The High Guards quickly closed the gate, stoping the Dwarves and trapping them. Suddenly Sylvanas caught sight of an arrow hitting one of the guards and Orcs jumped over the gate wall. As they got closer, they noticed one of the Dwarves had gotten out of the barrel and was about to pull the lever, when he was shot in the leg. It was Kili and Tauriel gasped at the sight of him.

"Kili!" Sylvanas could here Fili shout as his brother fell to his knees. He was about to be attacked when Tauriel shot the Orc, once again saving his life. Both Dwarves turned to see Sylvanas and Tauriel coming out of the bushes and shooting every Orc.

"Kill them!! Kill the She-Elves!" Shouted the Orc leader in there own tongue. Sylvanas killed every Orc that ran at her but more kept coming and as one was about to hit her from behind, Legolas shot it coming from the bushes with the Guard. Kili had managed to stand and he pulled the lever, opening the river gate and jumping the barrel, crying out in pain. Tauriel and Sylvanas turned watching as the Dwarves continued their escape down river. The two Elleths and Legolas were soon at the gate wall, killing Orcs.

"After them!" Yelled the Orc leader and the Orcs followed the Dwarves down river on both sides. Sylvanas, Legolas and Tauriel jumped over the wall, followed by the Guard, still fighting off the Orcs. The Orcs were trying to fight the Dwarves but were failing. Legolas soon jumped onto the Dwarves heads crossing over them as he shot Orcs on either side. Sylvanas climbed up a branch, crossing over but not before she fought off more of the filthy Orcs finally reach the other side, but Legolas was far ahead and she goes after him and the rest of Orcs.

Legolas fought several Orcs at once, killing them quickly, but if it hadn't been for the Dwarf Leader, Legolas would have been killed, as he had not seen the Orc behind him with a sword lifted above its head ready to strike. The Dwarf leader had thrown a sword at it, killing it and Legolas finished off the last Orc, pushing him into the water. Legolas watched as the Dwarves escaped, and the remaining Orcs and their leader lead them on. He was angry that they failed to stop them from escaping, he continued watching not knowing that an Orc was sneaking up behind him and drew in arrow, slinging it into it's bow.
The Orc shot the arrow but another arrow flew, hitting it and causing it to miss Legolas. Legolas turned to see Sylvanas, who had caught up to him, jump out of the bushes and pulling out her knives she grabbed a hold of the Orc, holding the blade against it's neck about to kill it.

"Sylvanas! Dartho (Wait)!" Commanded Legolas and Sylvanas looked at him in shock, she wanted to finish this Orc for he had almost killed Legolas, had she not arrived when she did. "U-no hono. Ho hebo cuin (This one we keep alive)." Said Legolas and he looked at the Orc in disgust before returning his gaze to the river and saw the Dwarves were no out of sight. Sylvanas handed over the Orc to the Guard and the returned to the Kingdom to interrogate their new prisoner.

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