~ Chapter 21. Rivendell ~

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The morning came for Legolas and Sylvanas to head to Rivendell, they had asked Tauriel and three other Elves to tag along with them.

It had been a two day ride and finally they made it to the Elven Kingdom of Imladris, also known as Rivendell, "The Last Homely House East of the Sea." It was situated at the edge of a narrow gorge of the river Loudwater, well hidden in the moorlands and foothills of the Misty Mountains. Sylvanas and Legolas were awe struck at it's beauty as neither of them had seen or ever been to Rivendell before in all their years.

As they rode into the courtyard, Sylvanas and Legolas quickly jumped off their horse and looked about them at the beauty of such a place. Trees covered the entire area and the leaves were green, gold and red, some them even covering the stone ground and their air smelled of water and nature, the smell that all Elves loved. Tauriel and the other too had jumped off their horses, they too were still awe struck. Legolas and Sylvanas were soon greeted by Lindir and shown inside to a room that they would be staying in. The room was beautiful, thing fabric covered the large windows that led to the balcony and the bed was cover with gold and purple velvet and silks. Candles were on each corner of the room so they could be lit when night fell.

As the two entered the room, Sylvanas' eyes wandered about as she walked over to a small table and set her weapons down. Legolas closed the door behind them and turned to see his wife walking out towards the balcony and he too removed his weapons and set them down before joining her. As Sylvanas walked out onto the balcony the cool air from the gentle breeze hit her skin and caused her long dark brown hair to move and she looked down at Rivendell, smiling. As Legolas walked over to her, he couldn't help but stop for a moment to stare at her and her beautiful lithe form, finally walking up behind her and raising one he moved her hair to one side to reveal her soft cream colored skin. He inhaled taking in her scent of raspberries, vanilla and white amber that covered her skin and hair.

"It is so beautiful here. As if it were a place separate from Middle-Earth." She said softly. "It's how I imagine the Undying Lands to be."

"One day we will sail their and spend our long years there together." Whispered Legolas before gently placing his lips against her warm skin and his arms wrapping around her waist and his hands resting on her stomach.

Sylvanas closed her eyes, enjoying her husband kissing her neck, slowly and gently a soft moan escaping her lips before she opened her eyes again. "Legolas." She said softly.

"Yes, meleth-nin (my love)?" He replied, stopping as she turned around in his arms and looked at him, smiling.

"I love you so much, I know I say it a lot but it's true." She said as she looked into his dark blue eyes.

He chuckled, "I love you too and I never get tired of hearing you say it." He replied. He looked into her grey eyes and then down at her lips.

Sylvanas leaned forward kissing Legolas gently and they kissed slowly but deeply. He pulled her close by her waist with one hand and cupped her face with the other.Ever since they two had married and given themselves to each other, they could never get enough of each other and it had been a month since the two had been intimate. Suddenly Legolas broke their kiss and his eye lowered, he didn't have to say much for her to know what he was feeling, Sylvanas knew that what had happened still bothered him. For the entire month she had been ill and bedridden, he hated himself, blamed himself for what had happened, it was still bothering him and Sylvanas always reassured him and comforted him.

"Meleth-nin (my love), stop blaming yourself, things just happen and sometimes it is for the best." She said lifting his chin with two fingers so he would look up at him. She could still see the sadness in those cerulean eyes, she loved so much. "Please, for me."

"As you wish, mell-nin (my beloved)." He replied softly, he managed a slight smile before leaning in and capturing his wife's lips in passionate kiss.


Later that evening Sylvanas, Legolas and Tauriel attended a feast that was held by Lord Elrond for the arrival of the races of Middle-Earth. They were greeted by their host and his son's Elladan and Elrohir, his daughter Arwen Undomiel and Aragorn, whom Legolas and Sylvanas had gone searching for and it was good to see him again. The feast was a grand one, bounties of food and wine filled large table and Men, Dwarves and Elves filled the room, speaking to one another. There was still much hate between Elves and Dwarves. As the night went on, many started to disperse and head to their rooms and soon Legolas and Sylvanas did as well, bidding Lord Elrond and the others good night before taking their leave.

When they returned to their room, they immediately went to to bed. Legolas would be attending the Council of Elrond in the morning and Sylvanas and Tauriel had made plans to tour Rivendell with Arwen.

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