~ Chapter 8. Betraying Trust

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The two Elleths had made it down river to where the river met the lake, Lake Town could be seen in the distance as well as the Lonely Mountain. It was now mid-day and the air had a chill, a cool breeze sweeping through and rustling the leaves of the trees that surrounded them. As Sylvanas stood behind Tauriel, watching her examine the pool of blood on the rock, she couldn't help but feel a small amount of guilt and regret, she had just left the Woodland Realm, the place she had called home for the past 60 years and defied the orders of her King. But it was in Sylvanas' heart to do what she felt was right and allowing her friend to go off on her own, she couldn't have allowed it. And lately Sylvanas had began to disagree with Thranduil's choices, he was cold hearted and didn't seem to care about other lands and races, which made her question his rule many times.

But what really made her feel guilty was knowing that Legolas was not going to just let them leave, she knew him, he would probably come after them, and if what Thranduil said about his son caring for her was true, then he wouldn't let Sylvanas leave so easily. Her heart still ached from that conversation with Thranduil and part of her wished she could have left Legolas a note, telling him how she felt but she couldn't do that to him and it was all because of his father.

Sylvanas watched as Tauriel stood up, she was quiet, taking a few steps forward and looking off towards Lake Town. She was about to speak when the two sensed someone's presence behind them, and with swift hand, the two pulled out an arrow and stringing it into their bows they turned around quickly, pointing them at the mysterious figure, only to see that it was Legolas, his bow too was up and an arrow pointed at them.

"Ingannen le Orch (We thought you were an Orc)." Said Tauriel.

"Ci Orch im, dangen le (If I were an Orc, you both would be dead)." Replied Legolas as the three smirked and lowered their bows, placing the arrows back in their quivers. Tauriel turned her attention back towards Lake Town and Sylvanas watched as Legolas slowly approached them, his eyes fixed on her.

"You both cannot hunt 30 Orcs on your own." He stated.

"But we're not on our own." Said Sylvanas, her eyes turning to Tauriel before she looked back at him.

"You knew I would come." Said Legolas as the two smiled at each other. Sylvanas lowered her eyes and he kept looking towards her. He moved so that he was now standing near the two. "The King is angry, Sylvanas. For years my father has protected both of you, favored you. You defied his orders, you betrayed his trust." His voice was a little stern.

Sylvanas raised her eyes and Tauriel turned to face Legolas. They knew this was true but Tauriel especially was angered with the King and at the moment did not care of what her actions had caused, both were tired of hearing how Legolas' father wanted to only keep his people safe and not caring for the well being of others.

"Dandolo na nin. E gohenatha (Come back with me. He will forgive.)" said Legolas looking at both but then once again his eyes fell towards Sylvanas. She shook her head and looked at Tauriel before returning her eyes to Legolas.

"U-'ohenathon. Ci dadweithon, u-'ohenathon im (But I will not. If I go back I will not forgive myself)." Said Sylvanas.

Legolas looked at her with shock but a part of him understood, but he didn't want to let her go.

"The King has never let Orc filth roan our lands. Yet he would let an Orc pack cross our borders and kill our prisoners." Said Tauriel, Sylvanas turned her attention to her friend.

"It is not our fight." Said Legolas turning his attention to Tauriel.

"It is our fight." Said Sylvanas looking at Legolas with seriousness in her eyes.

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