Chapter 2: Stages Of Being Delulu

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It was soon time for the final class, and as Clara and Ada sat together -- with Ada actually taking notes -- the former drew circles on her notebook, seemingly bored. As the professor took a breather and sipped her water, Ada stared at Clara's notebook. 

If instant disappointment had a face, it would belong to Ada. 

Clara did not even notice until her best friend wrote down in her notebook: why are you even here?

Clara wrote back: just to suffer. 

Ada unculturally did not understand the reference (a/n: there i go, creating new words)

Ada: huh? 

Clara: issok grandma 

Ada gave her a bombastic side eye, and then grabbed her notebook and started listing a few names. Clara could not see what she was writing, but by the time she returned her the notebook, she saw the list of names Ada had made for her: 

Clara's future boyfriends:
Bang Chan
Bang Christopher Chan
Chan Chan Man 

Clara, in all honesty, was extremely satisfied. After all, who wouldn't be if their delusional mind was fed with such ridiculous nutrition? However, the girl had a reputation to keep, "Bro, you're so delulu."

"Me?" Ada gasped, "Miss, you're the one whose delulu mind is being fed right now." 

"And you're the one feeding it." 

"I did not ask to be attacked today." 

Belle and Florence, two girls in their friends' group who sat a seat behind them, shared a look and shook their heads. 

"Half the time, I don't even get what they're talking about," Florence sighed. 

Belle nodded gravely, "It's some K-pop stuff, I guess." 

"I'm kinda scared of them. I mean, look at the two," Florence pointed at Ada and Clara, who were snorting and chuckling in the middle of a lecture. The professor, done with her little break at last, saw the two on the very verge of squealing, and sighed, "This is why I should have never opted for this profession." 


Chan sat in his studio with Changbin and Minho, trying to create a new track. Minho sat beside him, and Changbin rested his legs on the couch behind the chairs on which the other two sat. Chan had a notepad in his hands, trying to pen down the lyrics of a song in progress. Minho tried his hand at writing lyrics as well, and as the oldest watched the other two heavily invested in their pieces of work, he sighed. 

No new idea swam into his head, and it felt like he was on a creative block. 

Out of boredom, he tried his best to think of something good, but all that leaked from the tip of the pen onto the paper were circles. 

Minho peeked into Chan's notepad, and made a face, "Low-key weird." 

"Hah, you're the one to say," Changbin chuckled, making Chan giggle, and Minho pursed his lips. 

"Alright, emo boy." 

"I don't have any ideas of now," Chan capped his pen, and Changbin spoke up, "Just pen down anything random that comes into your mind. We'll find a way then." 

"Good idea," the leader hummed, uncapping the pen yet again and hovering his hand over the page. 

However, five minutes later when Minho decided to peek into his notepad again, he found a few creepily cheesy words on the page: 

Baby love

He watched as Chan penned down another two words, and then looked up to see Minho staring at him. As soon as he noticed him, Chan clutched his notepad and held it against his chest (which was buff, by the way), hiding it from the younger. 

Minho stared at him for a full thirty seconds, before he broke into a loud, booming laughter. 

"What are we laughing about? What what what?" Changbin rose from his comfortable position on the couch. 


"SHUSH!" Chan tried, but when Changbin started laughing as well, the oldie just gave up. 


"He's...!" Minho could combust -- he was laughing that hard -- and continued, "He's noting down petnames for his girlfriend." 

"He doesn't even have a girlfriend," Changbin widened his eyes, and looked at Chan, "YOU ARE A DELULU!" 

"No, I'm not?" 

"Stage one of being a delulu: denial," Minho clapped as he laughed, and Chan massaged his temples. 

Because he did not want to admit that these two were right. 

(a/n: veryyyy random but I'm following what i accidentally brainstormed with kimaashi today

(please don't cringe it gets better I'm just using a shitload of humor to give you an idea of the characters istg i am absolutely terrified of people who comment "I'm cringing" bec it stabs me in the gut and it hurts like a buttcheek on a stick) 


thanks for reading! i love you!) 

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