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Oliver decided to focus on his brother again, who so happened to be having an argument with Clark and the princess once again.
"Oh, God. You richies are so smart. That's exactly why I'm not heavy in activities." Was the first thing he heard his brother say.
"You're a big coward." The red-head told him.
"I'm in a math club." Brian chimed in from behind Oliver, who snapped his head around to look at the boy so fast he was surprised he didn't get a whiplash.
"You're afraid that they won't take you, you don't belong, so you just have to dump all over it." The red-head spoke up once again.
"Well, it wouldn't have anything to do with you activities people being assholes,now would it?" John retorted.
"Well, you wouldn't know. You don't even know any of us."
"Well, I don't know any lepers either, but I'm not gonna run and join one of their fucking clubs." John tilted his head.
"Hey, let's watch the mouth, huh?" Clark spoke up.
"I'm in physics club too." Brian said out of nowhere once again.
Oliver silently studied the boy as he pulled his legs onto the table to sit in a cross-legged position.
"Excuse me a second, what are you babbling about?" John focused his attention on his brother and the boy in front of him.
"Well, what I said was that I'm in the math club, uh, the Latin club and the physics club." Brian counted on his fingers.
"Hey, Cherry. Do you belong to the physics club?" Oliver asked the red-head.
"That's an academic club." Was her response.
"So?" He questioned.
"So academic clubs aren't the same as other kinds of clubs." She rolled her eyes.
"Ah, but to dorks like him they are." John pointed at Brian.
"What do you guys do in your club?" Oliver asked the boy in front of him with actual interest.
"In physics, well, we talk about physics. Properties of physics." Brian looked at Oliver while he talked, a spark in his eyes upon noticing someone was actually willing to listen to him for once.
"So it's sort of social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" John asked the boy.
"I guess you could concider it a social situation. I mean, there are other children in my club. And uh, and at the end of the year, we have a.. We have a big banquet at the Hilton" Oliver enjoyed listening to the other boy as he ranted but as he saw the odd look his brother was giving him he quickly cleared his throat and stood up to skate around again.
"You load up, you party." John focused on Brian again.
"No. We get dressed up, but we don't get high." Brian shook his head slightly.
"Only burners like you get high." The princess scowled at John.
"And I didn't have any shoes, so I had to borrow my dad's. It's kinda weird 'cause my mom doesn't like me to wear other people's shoes. My cousin Kent.. My cousin Kendall from Indiana, he got high once. And, you know, he started eating, like, really weird foods. And uh, then he felt like he didn't belong anywhere, kind of like Twilight zone, kind of." Brian ranted on.
Unbeknownst to him though, Oliver was listening carefully to each word the boy said. That also caused Oliver to lose focus, making him hit a table and tumble to the ground. All heads turned to him at the loud bang that was heard when he hit the ground.
"You okay there, Ollie?" His brother shouted at him with wide eyes, knowing it wasn't like Oliver to fall with his skateboard.
"Fine!" Oliver stuck up his thumb to show he was okay before climbing up again and continuing rolling around on his board. 
"Look, you guys keep up your talking and Vernon's gonna come right in here. I got a meet this Saturday, and I'm not gonna miss it on account of you boneheads." Clark said with annoyance lacing his voice.
"Oh, and wouldn't that be a bite? Missing a whole wrestling meet?" Oliver mocked him.
"You wouldn't know anything about it, faggot." Clark spat back.
Oliver stopped right in his tracks, his back still turned to the others. He turned his head extremely slow to look at the Clark boy and then turned his body too, the same slow pace. His face was completely blank save for the fire in his eyes. He slowly walked towards the athlete with an eerie look on his face. The others went completely silent as they watched the scene unfold, too scared to butt in. Even John had to admit he was slightly creeped out by his brothers actions. As Oliver reached Clark he leaned down to whisper something in his ear and the athlete visibly gulped.
"Don't ever, ever, call me that again. Or I'll make sure you'll find out why everyone calls me a psychopath. And trust me, that won't be pretty." Oliver whispered lowly, voice almost unrecognisable. 
The Clark boy nodded in fear as his heartbeat sped up, as soon as the Bender stepped back he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"Good." Oliver said in his normal voice, acting as if nothing happened. 
"You know, I want to be just like you. I figure all I need's a lobotomy and some thights." John decided to clear the air and directed his words at Clark.
"You wear thights?" Brian asked amused.
"No I don't wear thights. I wear the required uniform." Andrew turned his head to the Johnson boy.
"Thights." Brian shrugged.
"Shut up."
At that moment they heard Vernon coming towards them. And Oliver quickly took the seat next to Brian as his brother sat down in between the athlete and the princess. When Vernon disappeared from eye-sight again John snorted before jumping up and walking towards the door. 
"There's not supposed to be any monkey busines." Brian pointed out once again.
"Young man, have you finished your paper?" John immitated Vernon.
Clark told him not to screw around as John started fidgeting with the door. All of the teens except for Oliver told him to stop messing with the door but John ignored them and in no-time he pulled out a screw. As soon as John was seated again the teens started arguing until Oliver shushed them.
"God damnit!" Too late, Vernon had already heard them, he opened the door and walked into the library with a deep frown.

-The psychopath- ⌊Brian Johnson⌉Where stories live. Discover now