The frog hunt and the Explosive Mage

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After the registration was complete the trio immediately went to the nearest quest board to start basic earnings, there were several quests but for easy income, big frog hunting was preferred, Aqua explained to both the men that giant frogs in this world were the size of elephants and during their breeding season they would hunt and eat both the livestock and farmers but their meat was a special thing and used in several delicacies in the world. They soon make their way to the fields where they usually are found and upon seeing the size of the frogs both Kazuma and Stalin were surprised, "**** those are some massive frogs", Kazuma exclaimed, "Sure they are big but they are frogs after all" Stalin assured, so the dictator thought what to summon to deal with the mammoth frogs as he was currently in level one so he could only summon simple small arms but despite being the dictator of the largest and most powerful nation he had little knowledge of what his country fielded so he asked the boy for suggestions, "I suggest you use PTRD-41 rifle, this is the perfect target while giving me a Mosin Nagant" the boy replied, agreeing to his thinking, Stalin immediately stretches his hand forward and say, "Give me a Mosin Nagant and a PTRD-41" as two figures started to materialize in front of them on the grass and a few seconds later the firearms were ready, next the dictator summoned a few ammunition for the guns, after he was done he handed a few 7.62×54mm cartridges packed in striper clips to Kazuma and took a few 14.5×114mm rounds and set up a position on a higher slope of the field, Kazuma and Aqua when on the other side for flanking manoeuvre, "Are you sure Aqua that you don't need a firearm to be effective" the boy asked, at this the goddess mearly laughed as she said that she is more than capable of dealing it with her hands, first strike was initiated by Stalin who fired his PTRD at a nearby frog, the monstrous 14.5 mm anti tank round hit the frog in the face and blasted a big chunk of the other side instantly killing the thing, next was Kazuma's turn and despite never having fire a gun he had played enough call of duty to know the basic knowhow of handling it, he fired two shots at a frog nearby to him, the 7.62 mm not killing the frog in one shot it sure ensured that the frog is immobilised and dies an agonising death, Aqua feeling the urge to do something immediately rushes at another frog at full speed creating some kind of a energy ball in her hands as she furiously punches with full might only to see the impact harmlessly wobbling the frog's belly much to the goddess's shock, then the frog proceeds to eat her but thanks to Stalin noticing it on time fires his giant rifle once again killing the frog in one shot releasing Aqua, Kazuma immediately reach the crying goddess covered in slime who immediately hugs and thanked him the the dictator for saving her, by now 5 more frogs were approaching, on seeing them both of them immediately rushed back to Stalin who loaded another 14.5mm round and shot dead another giant frog, Kazuma also took aim at another frog and shot a straight throught it's head, now the three remaining frogs getting the sense of hopelessness decided to hop away but bad for them Stalin shot another one while Kazuma injured another so only one frog could escape back. The quest ended as Stalin dematerialised the guns with them killing 7 frogs which gave them a decent amount of total 35,000 Eris or 35,000 yen, Aqua explained them the rough conversion rate on their way back to the guild, "Wait 35,000 yen that means it will be approximately 20,000 rubles in 2023" said Kazuma, when the trio returned to the guild Aqua when for a bath while the dictator and the boy went to receive their payment amount, after cutting the debt and buying meals for three of them the net amount left was 24,500 Eris, not a huge amount but still they were now debt free, as the three sat for their dinner they discussed their next plan of action, "We need to find a place to stay and now that we have acquired the funds we can afford some level of comfort" Kazuma explained as he ate his meal, "But the bad news is a decent hotel around here costs roughly around 14,000 Eris per night" Stalin replied while he complained that everything here was expensive as hell, Aqua who was eating her frog meat as she listened to them and commented that the meal was delicious but Kazuma and Stalin did not share the same sentiment as they found it quite disgusting, "Anyways both of you will not make me sleep in stables" the goddess questioned, but both the men replied that they had no choice but to sleep there as there was no alternative currently available to them. After the meal, the trio started their journey to the nearby stables as Luna had directed them, the stables were free to live in unless somebody uses the bathroom or if the stable groomer was in a bad mood he could charge up to 3,000 Eris per night, Luna had explained to them that the groomer was a greedy, hot-tempered and perverted man who may try to rip them off but they never the less choose the stables, as they made thier way to the stables the trio witness losts of pain and tragedies on the way, poor people and homeless people, children without parents, widowed mothers who were selling their bodies just to put a meal on their baby's plate, arrogant young noble boys harassing common citizens while flaunting their wealth to them, disesed and helpless on the streets and slavery that was done openly in the city, all this served as catalisers to anger Stalin who remembered pre-Bolshevik Russian empire under the Tsar and that this world was no different, Kazuma was also disturbed by the sight on their way as he thought that animes and games only show the life of the hero but very few of them would touch the subject of medival times problems and slavery something he belives just hids or downplay's their real world's ugly past, Aqua too was kind of dissaponted at the world but then she thought that somedays reforms may come. Their journey was relatively short but as soon as they reached the stables they were greeted by an angry burly man, he was the groomer Luna had warned about, "What do you all want?!" he angrily asked, "Uh, sir we would like a place to stay" Aqua replied nervously, at this the groomer lustfully replied, "Yeah sure the three of you can stay in the stables but if you use the bathroom I will charge 3,000 Eris", after the awkward meeting the trio went to the designated stable where they say only piles of hay and around 10 horses, "This is humiliating" said Aqua, Kazuma, on the other hand, sat on a pile of hay as Stalin checked his card, which said level 5, the boy also checked his one that had a level 4 while Aqua's case it was only level 2, "Why only one level? this is unfair I am the goddess, I should have the highest increase" Aqua complained out loud only for the groomer to bang the wall shouting at them to keep their voice down, Kazuma explained to her that she had not killed a single frog while both the dictator and the boy had 4 and 3 kills respectively, Stalin turned to Aqua to inquire about what further powers he had as to now he had an increased level, "Oh with this increased level you can summon maybe around 5 people? or even craft more sophisticated weapons?" the goddess replied, Stalin, thought for a second then turned to Kazuma and said, "Boy I had offered you to work under me and be a part of my future politburo right", at this the boy nodded as Stalin continued, "Well I haven't assigned you a rank but given you today's performance I declare you to be Petty Officer (Starshina) of my new army", as he finished he materialised a new uniform appropriate to the boy's size, this made Kazuma jump in excitement only to be stopped by the groomer once again banging their wall to keep their voice down, Stalin then explained as to why he made him part of his army, "Listen Kazuma I know that in the previous world I may have been a terrible dictator but today seeing the suffering of the people I feel that his world needs revolution, we must break the shackles of the old and start the new order, will you help me Petty Officer?" said the dictator, Aqua and Kazuma were surely surprised and intruged but they had seen the problems of the world first hand so they could sympathise with the man, Stalin further rose up from his place and declared, "We must wage a ruthless war against the demon king and his supporters, against corrupt monarchies, criminals, those who oppress the weak, we must exterminate the monsters and demons that roam this world scot free and we must achieve establishing justice and order in this world!" at this both the goddess and the boy rose in appluse, truly may the hands of Stalin guide this wonderful world they thought, then suddenly the groomer banged the wall again saying, "If you people don't stop shouting I swear that I will kill three of you!", hearing this Kazuma and Aqua started to apolozis but Stalin took a different approach, he summoned an axe and went outside, this confused the boy and the goddess as to what he was going to do but then from the other side of the wall they hear shouts and screams somthing like, "Hey what do you want? what is in your hand? hey, wait! NOO!!" and then silence and then some hack noises as if somebody was butchering meat, after 20 minutes Stalin returned with blood all over his military uniform something which clearly told Kazuma and Aqua that he was not to be ****** with, when they asked what he did the dictator explained, "Nothing, that son of a ***** had interrupting me so I just killed him, sliced the body in small pieces and feed it to the pigs, No one dares to interrupt me when I am speaking, also since the owner is dead his entire property is ours now", both the goddess and the boy had mixed feelings about this, on one hand the man had just secured them free real estate and on the other hand his paranoia ,egoistic ,pychcopatic and megalomaniacal tendency had shown it's ugly head but they remained silent on that as who knows what he may do next, the dictator told them he would summone soldiers so he wanted to know how they functioned, Aqua began to explain,"ok so you currently have level 5 so check your card which will have a skill to allow summoning soldiers, the said soldiers are clones of actual people who have once served in the army back in earth but they will not have more knowledge of anything that happened after your death even if the real person outlived you by many years, on a positive side anyone you summone will be a loyal follower so you don't have to worry about any coup being plotted against you but they will only have the equipment they historically possessed and you have to care for their food and resupplying duty, also note that any progress they make example in a quest then the points are automatically given to you so no need to register them in the guild, your summoned soldiers will not die of old age but they are vulnerable to both physical damage and diseases, but I can handle that, lastly you currently have knowledge of things that you knew about before your death but when you level up knowledge of future weapons and equipment will automatically be engraved in your brain but you can only summone as many things as your mana reserve allows", after the explanation Stalin checked his card which had space for two new skills that were, 'Extensive Conscription' and 'Five Year Plan' respectively, the first one's description said that the skill allows for the user to summon troops and vehicles from their previous world but is capped by mana consumption and the it also allows for recruitment and training of soldiers from the current world easier and less time consuming, next skill described to allow the user's party to develop infrastructure and develop a particular area at a higher efficiency and develop factories for industrial goods. both the skill required 2 and 3 points respectively while Stalin had a total of 7 points, after researching both of them the Dictator raised his hands and said "I order my soldiers to come to my aid", he finished 5 figures began to materialise in front of the trio and soon they 5 Red army soldiers from 1945 were in front of them, one sergeant armed with PPSH-41 and 4 rifle men with mosin Nagants, they saluted the dictator referring to him as comrade Stalin as they asked for their first order, "This stable is a mess I want you to tidy up the place" the dictator commanded, at this, the five soldiers immediately started extensive cleaning and rearrangement of items in the stable and the now dead groomers' house, two soldiers even went to the nearby woods to collect timber for repair work, in at least 2 hours the entire stable was cleaned up, horses feed and the broken unsettled house repaired for the Trio of adventures to settle, the soldiers even made three beds from their sleep while all 5 of them guarded the Stable for all night. "This is amazing!" said Aqua as she jumped on a new bed made by the soldiers, "It has to be, Red army soldiers were known for being experts in wood and timber works" Kazuma explained while he laid down on his bed, Stalin who was happy to see both of them in relative comfort sat on a chair and told them that tomorrow they have to put a board of new recruitment for their party of adventures so he would stay awake till late night to make an attractive poster.

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