Crusader and the Cabbage attack

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Stalin was currently examining the Crusade woman who was huffing and puffing, "Uh... Miss are you ok?" he asked with concern, "Yes I am fine, I am Darkness, let me join your party" she replied, "The men on horses who were covered in blood they were your party members right?" The darkness continued, Stalin was confused but replied, "Yes they are part of my army, they are covered in blood because we were hunting giant frogs" the Crusade replied with shock, "What that is out of my imagination", Stalin was now on high alert because Darkness had same eye features as Megumin and Aqua, this was concerning as he already had a useless goddess and a limited usable mage to protect. Now he did not want to add additional burden. "I won't recommend our party has barely started to take quests so I suggest you choose other parties" Stalin explained to chase Darkness away. Still, she grabbed his arm more tightly and said that it was good news for her as she was confident in her ability to endure pain but couldn't attack her target accurately and also the fact she was pretty stupid which made Stalin even more alert, "So let me just rush to the front line and use me as a shield," Darkness said as she came very close to Stalin making him nervous, "No I can't make you our shield, Soviet command had abandoned the human wave tactics after 1941, also the fact that you might get captured by terrible monsters which are itself a fate worse than death" Stalin warned. Still, the Crusade replied it was her only wish, the dictator now realising the futile effort to get her away excused himself for the day to return to their base in the stables.

After Returning to the Stables...

"Wow! That is quite a luxurious place to live in, I thought that you people sleep in a stable but none of you ever told me that you people owned the stables", Megumin commented as the group approached the Stable which was much better than before as it was repaired and freshly painted, after getting down, the 5 soldiers started to work on another bed for the explosive mage, meanwhile, Stalin straight away told the three adventures that he had a terrible headache so he would retire for the night, Aqua also followed the dictator to go to bed as she had drunk quite a lot of Alcohol so she stumbles her way to her room. This left Megumin and Kazuma to themselves, "Kazuma can you tell me one thing, why did you decide to save me?" the mage asked, "Because you reminded me of someone special to me who I may not ever meet again" Kazuma replied, "Why is that?" the mage further inquired, Kazuma hesitate to tell about the whole reincarnation thing but before he could say anything Megumin said, "Because you are dead to her in your world?", this made the boy look at her with shock but the mage continued, "I know Kazuma, that the person in question is Megami, she is my alternate self from the earth", Kazuma asked her how she knew all about this so the mage replied with a smile, "When I hit my head all the memories and knowledge of Megami and her life entered my brian, essentially fussing her in myself, I may not be her completely but I am now harbouring a part of her", Kazuma looked at her with tears in his eyes, "I want to thank you for saving me twice, once on earth from death and today by letting me in the party" Megumin said with a smile, Kazuma replied that it was his duty when Megumin hugged him, "Tell me Kazuma you were in love with me when you saw me right?" she asked, the boy confirmed her hypothesis with a yes, "Well I also had a small crush on you when you stood up for me but now it has developed into a full blown love, how about we continue the relationship that Megami and you started, after all Megami is now a part of me!" The mage suggested Kazuma could not be happier so he instantly accepted, and they shared a small kiss as they returned inside the house, "By the way Kazuma I now know about Earth so tell me are we soon going to raise an army to defeat the demon king?" Megumin asked, "Yes if you can see I am in the old Soviet Uniform as a petty officer so I think Stalin is serious about this" The boy replied, "But remember what we learned in history books in school, he is a terrible dictator who killed millions," said the mage, "I know but we have to bow down to his authority as he is the one with experience and know-how, not me but I hope he doesn't cause the death of millions in this world" the boy replied with hope which we all know is as a vain hope as Stalin himself once said, "The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of a million is a statistic."

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