Woah I'm past 500 reads?(Updated so read please)

2.3K 74 8

woah woah woah I would have never ever expected this to make it past 200 reads! I'm really happy that I've been able to make it to 733 reads in total and I just wanted to say thanks to all my readers out there and to all the people that give me support in the writing of this story.

I know most people post these at like 1k reads but I'm just super happy that this made it past 500 and I'm probs just going to delete this part anyways but again thanks so much I really couldn't be this far without you guys being interested in my trash of a writing!

Updated part please read

So I'm awful I know, I really need to update but my whole life is a little crazy at the moment and with me just feeling depressed I haven't been myself lately. I know it sounds like I'm just making excuses but I thought I should let everyone that reads this know. That's why I'm taking so long and next week I'm going on vacation and I'm bringing my laptop so maybe I'll have a calm place to just sit down and write and be alone because that all I really want to be. I would much rather be acting like my regular self to write this book because it isn't a sad angst fix it's supposed to be a funny happy one and if I'm sad it's going to come out as something sad and I don't want that. Hopefully you guys won't have to wait too much longer for a update. I'm sorry

Comment if you have questions or have something to share, and I'll see you next time~

Sweet Nothings (Modern!LevixReader)Where stories live. Discover now