Untitled Part 2

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I let go of his hand slowly as I walked back into the room with the other girls, and I felt an instant sorrow as our fingers disconnected. Tears pricked at my eyes yet again, when I thought that I had no more tears to give, but I held them back. Crying would do me no good, and could honestly lead to yet another beating. I felt one of the girls' hands on my thigh and I jumped, eyes wide and confused. Her big eyes looked up at me from her crumpled position on her knees, with sympathy written all over her face. They all knew what id been through, we all went through it. No one was safe from this place.

"There's some blood, sweetie." She spoke in a soft voice.

My eyes drifted down the light blue T-shirt to my thighs, as I felt something drip down my leg. Sure enough, a dark blood line dribbled down my thigh and onto the floor. I stared at the little droplets against the concrete floor with indifference. It should bother me more. I should be disgusted or horrified. I should feel ashamed...but i dont. This was a common occurrence, not just for me, but for all of us. It was rare if we came back without bleeding somewhere.

Without warning, I felt light headed, and I managed to lower myself gently to the ground, before the world started spinning, and then went black. 

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