Chapter 1

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She couldn't believe what was going on in front of her.

Misaki knew that she consumed a lot of sake last night.

"How did I get here?" She asked no one in particular.

She felt her head throbbing, she vowed she would never drink so much again.

Misaki felt something warm snuggled against her body.

"Toshiki Kai, what are you doing in bed with my girlfriend?" Ibuki was furious, shooting daggers at the brunette.

"Calm down, it's not what it looks like."

Ibuki felt betrayed by his friend. His blood boiled seeing them together in his own house.

"How can I be calm? You're in bed with my girlfriend!" He yelled out in anger.

Toshiki and Misaki still had clothes on.

"He's right, nothing happen. We had a lot to drink last night that's all," She said.

Before they could say anything more, Ibuki slammed the front door.

Toshiki and Misaki could hardly look at each other. Misaki never felt this embarrassed before.

She knew Ibuki needs to cool his head, that's why she didn't go after him.

"Tokura, I'm the one to blame."

"No, we are both at fault."


There was a party in full swing at a bar.

Misaki was with her friends. She was drinking a lot more than usual. Toshiki was watching her from afar. He was alone, drinking.

End of flashback

Misaki left the house, he went after her.

"Are you truly happy with Ibuki?"

"Why do you ask that?" She finally looked at him.

"Tokura, I..."

"What is it?"

"It's nothing."

He left her alone, she looked ever so puzzled.


Author's note: If you truly like my fic, remember to comment and vote.

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