Chapter 6

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She felt rather warm for some reason. It made her feel safe. Misaki slowly opened her eyes to find Toshiki kissing her. It made her flustered, her face red. She pulled away.

"Why did you kiss me?"

"You wouldn't wake, so I had to wake you somehow," He said.

"Where am I?"

"You're in hospital."

"Why?" She looked ever so confused.

"Because you are pregnant."

She tried to process the words in her head. Misaki was taken aback.

"Are you feeling better?"


"Do you want a bubble bath with me?" He asked.

She chucked a pillow at him, he dodge with a smirk across his face.

"Aw, is my baby shy around me?" He teases.

"You should learn to stay away from me, Toshiki."

"Why would I do that? I want you all to myself."

"You're crazy Toshiki Kai."

"I'm totally crazy about us,"He smiled.

She started to cry in his arms. He rubbed her back soothingly.

"Don't cry, I'm here for you my Misaki."

One year had passed.

"Can you say dada?" Toshiki was carrying Aya.

"Mama." Aya was looking at her mother.

Misaki couldn't help but laugh at Toshiki antics. He was making funny faces. Aya was laughing cutely.

"I'm nervous meeting your parents," She was biting her lower lip.

"You will be fine, I'm sure they will love you."

Toshiki reassured his wife. He rang the doorbell. The door opens.

"Hello Mrs and Mr Kai I'm Misaki. It's nice to meet you both," Misaki politely greeted.

"Hello mother and father."

"Finally you brought a lovely wife home, my son", Mrs Kai said happily.

He was relieved when his parents treated Misaki with love and kindness. They were smiling warmly.

"I'm so happy to have daughter-in-law like Misaki and adorable grandchild," Mr Kai said.

Misaki was happy that they cared for her, just like her parents. They even let her call them mother and father.

"So when are you going to have more kids?" Mrs Kai asked.

Toshiki choked on his water, whilst Misaki was blushing and feeding Aya a bottle of milk.

"Mother," Toshiki said in an embarrassing manner.

"What's wrong with what I said?"

Misaki thought her husband looked cute whenever he blushed. The grandparents played peekaboo with Aya. Baby Aya laughed adorably. She had lilac hair and green eyes.

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