Primordial Demons

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Carrera, Ultima, and Testarossa were intrigued by Rimuru's sudden change in behavior. They had noticed that he had become distant and preoccupied with paperwork, but now he seemed to be back to his usual happy self. However, they also noticed that he was spending more time with Shuna, which piqued their curiosity.

They didn't want to pry into their leader's personal life, but they couldn't help but wonder what was going on. So they decided to observe Rimuru and Shuna whenever they were together.

They watched as Rimuru and Shuna worked together on various tasks, always in sync and seemingly in their own world. They noticed the way Rimuru would look at Shuna with a soft expression and the way Shuna would blush whenever Rimuru praised her.

Carrera, Ultima, and Testarossa started to suspect that there was something more going on between Rimuru and Shuna than just friendship. They discussed their suspicions amongst themselves but decided not to confront Rimuru or Shuna about it.

Instead, they chose to support their friends in whatever way they could. They made sure to lighten Rimuru's workload whenever possible, allowing him to spend more time with Shuna. They also made sure that Shuna was always included in their activities so that she didn't feel left out.

As time went on, Carrera, Ultima, and Testarossa watched as Rimuru and Shuna's relationship continued to blossom. They were happy to see their friends so in love, and they knew that they would always be there to support them, no matter what.

In the end, they decided that it didn't matter why Rimuru was spending more time with Shuna. All that mattered was that they were happy together and that they were able to bring out the best in each other.


Diablo was thrilled to see his lord, Rimuru, back to his usual self, and he was happy to see him spending more time with Shuna. Diablo had always suspected that Rimuru had feelings for Shuna, and he was pleased to see that his suspicions had been correct.

He was about to announce Rimuru's newfound love to everyone, but he was stopped by Carrera, Ultima, and Testarossa. They told him that Rimuru was intentionally keeping his relationship with Shuna a secret and that it would be best not to interfere.

Diablo was surprised, but he understood their reasoning. He knew how important it was for Rimuru to maintain a certain level of professionalism as the leader of the Jura Tempest Federation, and he didn't want to do anything to jeopardize that.

Instead, Diablo decided to support his lord in any way he could. He made sure to handle any tasks that Rimuru couldn't so that he could spend more time with Shuna. He also kept an eye on the other subordinates, making sure that they didn't suspect anything about Rimuru and Shuna's relationship.

As time went on, Diablo watched as Rimuru and Shuna's love continued to blossom. He was happy to see his lord so in love, and he knew that Shuna was the perfect partner for him. Even though he couldn't announce it to everyone, Diablo was content knowing that Rimuru had finally found someone to share his life with.

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