First day

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Authors note: Heyy guys welcome to my new story , kya is the name of my main character and she is in her early twenties and is a very highly respected and well known chef who works at the hotel JW Marriot in Nashville Tennessee . please enjoy

"Ugh" I say slapping my alarm clock and looking closely at it to see if it is really already 4 am. I roll out of my warm bed and my feet are greeted by the cold wooden floor that lays on the foundation of the hotel room I sleep in most nights.
    I miss my springy bed and the thin walls of the house I share with my 5 closest friends, even though we could all afford decent sized houses on our own. It was home ,comforting ,always loud,chaotic and of course so loving.
We have just had so many events go on this past month at work that I am up before the sun and asleep later than midnight which has left no time for my 30 minute drive home everyday and night. 
I try to scrounge through my closet to find my usual black zip up chef jacket, my pants and surprisingly found both feet for the same set of my non slip shoes. I am throwing my hair into some low space buns when my phone goes off ;

" hello ?" I said caught off guard

" Chef Kya , change of plans I need to see you in my office immediately!" My boss proclaimed

"Yes sir, I am on my way up" as I hung up the phone grabbing my badge and running out the door.
It wasn't til I reached the elevator when my panic kicked in  Why did he need to see me? Am I getting fired? What did I do wrong? ... I started playing a million different scenarios out in my head about what could happen. I reach his office and as I am about to knock his assistant opens it.

"Ah yes chef please come in" my boss said with such poise especially for it being 4:30 in the morning

"Good morning sir, I must ask did I do something wrong?" I asked with a noticeable shake in my voice.

"Heavens no chef , quite the opposite actually. You are one of the youngest, finest most diligent working chefs I have ever seen."  He Stated

Phew what a relief   I thought as I let out a sigh

" But ..." he continued " I have been keeping a watchful eye on you and have noticed that this high stress of a job is talking quite the toll on you .  Not performance wise but the sleeping at work or lack there of .The constant bags under your eyes , no more constant glow and smile when you run that kitchen so beautifully. All of this to say I have been tasked with the job of finding the perfect candidate to be a private chef for someone very big in the area with a vegan dietary restriction and I believe that you are she."

"Wow , thank you chef I am honored but what will happen here."

" the hotel is having an emergency maintenance shut down starting next month and I am sure I can hold this place together for just a little bit, but I really think you need to take this job for yourself, the money is still good and the environment will be less stressful. What do you say?"
" I would love that!"
"Perfect you start tomorrow pack your things go home and pack for your new job. There will be a car there to pick you up at 10:00 am sharp , once you are picked up and dropped off you will be staying with your new assignment with a few days off for the next few months as a trial run . And for the love of all things holy make sure you pack everything ,not just chef uniforms they could have you doing just about any sort of event or snack making" he finished with a grin

"Thank you so much sir!" I beamed as I was practically floating out of his office. I wasnt standing remotely still in the elevator from pure excitement to go home and see my best friends. I packed up my temporary home as fast as I possibly could and darted for my car.

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