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Tuesday rolled around quite quickly. I woke up and walked downstairs for coffee with Daniel.

He smiled as I stepped onto the patio and handed me my coffee. We sat there in a peaceful silence for a few minutes.

"So Gorgeous, what is you plan for today?" He asked softly

"I am going to start prepping for dinner on Thursday."

"So soon?"

"Yes my love, your family comes in tomorrow, and I have a lot to do. And don't even get me started on how much work I did yesterday on my room so it didn't look like four girls have been living out of it ,for your parents. Oh and are you sure Josie will be ok in the music room? Because we can put her in our room."

"Woah take a deep breath my love, I appreciate you doing all of that,but it isn't a big deal"- I tried to cut him off but he wouldn't let me "And yes Josie loves staying in the music room, but if you need any help at all today let me know ok?"

"I will, I promise." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek and we walked back inside.

I went upstairs and threw some running shorts and an oversized T shirt. I went back downstairs,washed my hands and got started on the desserts.

At around noon Danny came back downstairs from probably cleaning our room,and asked if he could help so I made him peel potatoes while I cut them.

By around four I had both of the desserts done, with all the potatoes peeled,cut and in a container of water,and I also had the roll dough proofing.And of course I cleaned the kitchen but that took an extra hour. Daniel was such a huge help,but  I was exhausted. I plopped down on the couch and he followed.  I almost fell onto him but he put his arms out and wrapped them around my almost completely limp body.

I fell asleep in his arms and woke up in our bed.
Daniel was hopping out of the shower when I rolled over to see where the noise was coming from.

"Oh hey sleepy head!" He said with a smile and towel around his waist.

"Hey, I am so sorry I fell asleep but all that prepping wiped me out."

"It's ok gorgeous, we ordered some pizza,let me get dressed and we can go grab some downstairs." He said grabbing clothes.

He then shimmied his boxers up over his hips and let his towel hit the floor. He was so handsome it made my legs shake. He threw on some shorts and yet another muscle tank and we went downstairs.

"Ah ha there she is!" Sam said laughing

"Yeah sorry, all the stuff I have done to prepare really wore me out." I said

"Hey we get it and it's fine." He said back

It's like since Meg and him got together he has just been in such a better mood.

We ate our pizza and had a normal lazy night and went to bed before one which was a miracle.

Wednesday morning hit me like a truck; my alarm clock was screaming. Daniel got to it first trying to not let it wake me up, but he was too late.
I sat up and tried to crawl out of bed but Danny wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back to the bed.

"Hey let me go silly." I said playfully

"No, stay" he said kissing my bare shoulder

"Your parents are going to be here soon and I need to finish cleaning the house."

"Their flight doesn't even get here until 12 and then there is probably an hour with of traffic we have time ,and I just want to hold my baby before they get here." He said with doe eyes

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