[6.] New skills

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Lazari found herself in the same dark place once again. Was she dreaming?...she really didn't know. The girl with black hair and a red dress appeared in front of her. This time Laz knew who was standing there...
- Hello princess Leila...- The two girls looked at each other.
- Good to know you recognize me princess...do you know where we are right now?- Laz shook her head in response. She her no idea where she is and even less idea on how is she talking with Leila.
- Don't call me a princess. I've never been one- Lazari looked in the eyes of the demon...Her eyes were the same dark red color as her right one..her hair was black with dark a red end..just like how Liam described her.
- Don't be ridiculous. You've always been one even if you don't know it yet. But I am not here to criticize you...I am here to grant you a power- Leila opened her wings and black horns showed on her head.
- W-wait what? Why would you...why would you do that?..- Laz looked at the demon princess in complete disbelief.
- I know what you're searching for. I know why you came here...to my fathers kingdom. There are rules you see...I can't tell you the truth but I can help you get to it.- From Leila's hands a bright flame appeared...the princess took Lazari's hand and placed the flame into it.
- what are you doing?- Laz looked at the flame as it glowed brightly I'm her hand. Only now did she realize that the fire didn't burn her at all..Leila looked at her with a smile.
- As the one with eternal flame..I grant you my power to manipulate fire. Good luck on your mission Lazari- With that everything around her faded unit darkness and Laz jolted up on the bed.

After a few minutes of processing what in the two realms did she just experience Laz got dressed into a comfortable outfit. The clothes she wore were simple. A jean a white shirt and a black jacket. With that she went downstairs where she immediately saw Yua and Max.
- Ah good morning princess!- Max greeted laz.
- Good morning Lazari- Yua looked up from the table.
- Good morning. Liam and the rest of the family?- Laz sat down at the table.
- Still sleeping. Is everything okay? You look a bit stressed- Yua went closer to Lazari.
- I...I talked with Leila- Max almost choked on the coffee he was drinking and Yua looked at Laz in complete shock and disbelief.
- W-what?! How?!- Max put his coffee down and looked straight at Laz.
- I...she appeared in my dream a-and..she said something about giving me a power and then she said that I can manipulate fire- Yua put her hand on Lazari's shoulder.
- Calm down princess. I believe you. Do me a favor alright?- Laz nodded. - reach your right hand out and think of something warm- Laz did as she said...in mere seconds a large flame was burning in her hand
- Wow...this looks..beautiful- Yua let go of her shoulder and looked at Max who was very shocked. Lazari thought about ice and the fire extinguished.
- Huh...never seen someone grab a good hold of their power this early- Max drank his coffee.

About two hours later Liam walked down.
- Morning- He greeted everyone and sat down at the table.
- Good morning....Liam were you aware about the fact that Lazari can talk to Leila?..- The prince only started drinking his tea but almost chocked on it the second Yua asked the question.
- She can what?!- Liam immediately looked at the mentioned person.
- To be completely clear I didn't know about this until last night!- Laz said.

After telling them what she saw in her dream and how she got granted the power of the eternal flame she noticed that Yua and Knight Max exchanged worried looks.
- Father...do you think?..- Yua spoke first.
- She could've meant that yes.- Max looked into his daughters eyes.
-...excuse me if I am being rude but what are you two talking about?- Laz looked at Yua and Max with confused looks.
-...how do I put this...Satan has an executioner named Zach. It's mostly likely that Leila gave you the power to defend yourself against him. Zach is...not fond of heaven or angels to say the least. He out of all people would be happy if a war broke out since then he would have a good excuse to kill angels.- Lazari almost froze in place once she heard that...demons are not fond of angels that's clear but to wish for a war just to kill them..

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