[10.] Familiar memories

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The sun barely got up but the princess was already awake. She was already outside training while Liam and Yua were watching. Well Yua was watching and Liam was still trying to get something out of the book. The two agreed to reach Lazari about the different demon Magic's that are in hell and about the seven rings.
- So..there are more than seven rings correct?- Laz asked as she lowered her sword from the neck of a training dummy.
- Yes there are nine rings in total. The top ring is where we are right now but us demons just call it the surface. The next seven are named after the "seven deadly sins". You know the order right?- Yua looked at Laz.
- Yep. pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth- she listed them as if it was basic knowledge.
- Yeah and then we have the bottom ring..we call it the core of hell but some people just call it the pit.- Yua leaned against the wall.
- Alright now that that's done- Liam walked up to Lazari. - Time to learn about the different magic types we use- he looked at Yua who gave him a nod. - First. You can identify different magic users from their hair color. Us with red hair manipulate some sort of energy let it be just raw energy or the energy that is creating fire. Zach as you saw it for yourself has blue hair..he can use runes. Then there is the royal family...Satan and Leila both have crimson hair. Crimson is..kind of a mystery since only the royal family has it- Liam lifted his hand up and summoned an orb of pure energy into it. Yua did the same but instead of an orb of energy she summoned a bright flame.

- Alright i understand. Actually..I wanted to ask you two about something- Liam and Yua looked at the princess.
- About what?- Liam looked at her.
-...do you two believe in redemption?- Lazari asked hesitantly.
- What brought that up?- Yua looked at the princess.
- J-just a random thought..you two don't have to answer if you don't want to- Laz looked away from the two demons.
- I believe in redemption- Liam answered.
- So do I- Yua looked at the two siblings. - I actually saw redemption happening. A sinner in the pride ring managed to redeem himself.. but I am not sure if he is happy up there considering how corrupt the whole place became- Yua sat down and Liam did also.
- oh well good to know- Laz looked at them and then she felt the same energy calling her as last time..she was about to go but Liam grabbed her hand.
- Where are you going sis?- He asked.
- I..- Lazari shook her head. - N-nowhere- she sat down.
- everything alright Laz?- Yua went closer to her.
- Yeah just...I hear the call again- She looked at Yua.
- Oh..actually what do you hear when it calls out to you?- Yua asked as she held Lazari's hand.
- What do I hear?...I..I hear a voice..actually no..it's like two voices mixed with one another..I hear both voices at the same time..calling out to me- Laz tried to explain..all she heard was two female voices..calling her as if she was hearing a siren singing..it was just as captivating..and just as effective.
- Now excuse me for the questions but what in the two realms are you two talking about? I don't hear a single thing- Liam looked at the two girls.
- Yesterday your dear sister was called over to the void and she almost jumped down. She said something called her there..we don't know what it was- Yua looked at Liam.
-...it was the void itself- Laz said and the two demons looked at her.
- ..what? Why would the void..- Liam looked at her.
- I have no idea but I am sure that the void was what called for me...I need to go there.- Laz stood up. Yua grabbed her hand almost immediately.
- You are not going there alone. I am coming with you- She stood up.
- Don't leave me out of this! You are my sister after all. I won't let you two have all the fun!- Liam said as he stood up.

The three of them went straight to the barrier after Liam told Lilith that they will be back. As Laz got close to the barrier she heard the call again.."jump..jump and you will get your answers"
- ...it says jump- Lazari said as Yua held her hand to make sure Laz won't do anything.
- Jump?...wait..Remember what the book said?- Liam looked at Lazari who immediately understood.
- I remember but- The princess couldn't even finish her sentence as she heard someone calling her from the other side..from heaven.
- Princess! You are alright!- It was Alexander. He had scars all over him as far as the armor let Laz see.
- A-Alexander! Are you alright?- She immediately asked.
- I am fine your highness. I see Yua is also with you- The knight looked at Yua who smiled and nodded.
- Did my fa- Laz once again couldn't finish her sentence as she heard another knight call out for Alexander. The four of them quickly parted ways with Alexander going to the knights while Lazari and the two demons went back to the training grounds. Once they were there a strange feeling got over Lazari..she leaned against the wall of the house for support.
- Sis? Are you okay?- Liam asked as he went closer to the princess.
- Something isn't right..- Lazari's breathing was heavy. She felt something changing inside her..then she felt a sudden headache..and everything went black.

The princess found herself standing in the middle of a room..a throne room..it wasn't the one seen in heaven..she was standing right in Satans castle.
- Leila! Where are you my dear?- She heard a deep male voice.
- I am in the throne room father- She said..wait..it wasn't her who spoke..this was Leila's memory..
- Ah there you are!- Satan entered the room. He wore a black suit with a red cape..his hair black and deep red at the tip..his eyes red as Leila's. - You snuck out to the barrier again didn't you?- He asked whit a slight annoyance in his voice.
- Yes. Yes I did- Leila answered.
- What's so important about that Angel? Do you even understa- He didn't finish his sentence since his own daughter cut him off.
- I love her. That's what's so important about her. You hear me dad? I. Love. Her.- Leila said..she loved Angelica..so that's why they went against their fathers..
- Oh?..You do?- Satan hesitated.. - My dear daughter..you know very well what I will do to her if you dare pick her instead of a demon prince or princess from hell- He said the threat..
-...i understand father..- Leila bowed down and left the room. The memory slowly disappeared..

Laz woke up in her bed..her whole body was hot as if she was burning up.
- Ouch..that hurt- Her head still hurt from what she just saw..an old memory..she looked out the window..Leila loved Angelica.. - She loved the princess...- That was when she finally understood everything. -..only a few weeks until the ceremony..i need to get to the castle as soon as I can- She watched as the sun set on the horizon..She was starting to slowly understand why she was so different..she wasn't fully sure..she needed to get the book as soon as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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