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Okay so idk wtf is happening in this things because usually i write an entire fanfic before posting but nope haha didn't do it this time so some parts might be a little kooky, a little nonsense, i apoligize, i'll probably look back at it and fix things once my life gets together (lol that won't ever happen) so sorry for things not making sense.. maybe..

"louis!! may i jump in the pool yet??" daisy whined.

"not yet love, gotta wait until your sunblock has dried, and soaked into your skin." louis said in a monotone voice, while reading his magazine.

"how much longer?!" phoebe cried.

louis let out a slightly annoyed sigh, and placed his magazine on the table. "if you girls insist so much, go ahead, jump in, but don't come crying to me once your skin starts peeling!"

"ew! yuck!" the girls exclaimed.

"that's what i thought!" he said picking up his magazine, and reading again.

"louis! i'm hungry!" fizzy whined.

"and what am i suppose to do 'bout it?" he said not looking up.

"don't you have anything i can eat?" she asked.

"must i do everything around here?"

"considering you're the oldest, yes you must."

louis reached over and ramaged through the bag they brought with them. a few seconds later he pulled out two bananas, a rice krispy, and cookies, and placed them on the table. "take your pick." he said before going back to his magazine.

"excuse me sir?" louis heard in the background. "excuse me?" louis then realised that someone was trying to get his attention. he looked up to see the lifeguard, sitting in his lifeguard highchair, with a stern look on his face. he took off his sunglasses, exposing his green eyes, and placed them in his lap. "there's no food or drinks in the pool area."

"what?" louis asked.

"there's no food," he pointed to the food louis placed on the table. "or drinks in the pool area."

"c'mon, the kid's hungry, let her just have a banana. hey! you can have one too if you want!" louis offered.

"i'm sorry but, i can't allow that."

"may i ask what your name is?" louis asked agressively.

"harry, my name's harry."

"well harry," louis spoke as if his name were a disease. "i'm here, with my 4 younger sisters, between the ages of 15 and 9 years old, who have been bugging and bothering me all day about sunscreen, and swimming, and floaties, and tanlines, and makeup, and jewelry, and food. now i can handle dealing with their shit all day, barely, because they're family. but, i have no room to deal with someone else's. now please, let's just pretend that the last 2 minutes of our lives didn't happen."



"louis, i'm sorry for having to be constantly bothered today, but, it's pool rules, i can't do anything about it. so i'm going to have to have you put the food away." harry said sternly, placing his sunglasses back on his face.

louis agressively packed the food back in the bag. "dickhead." he whispered.

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