Chapter 25

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Stephanie's POV:

"How'd it all go down?" The sheriff asks us.

We begin to tell the story, from start to finish, leaving out no details.

"-threatened me into brining them to Rue Manor-" Michelle is saying.

"-where she was supposed to kill us, but she didn't-" I add.

"-and Cris was mad so when the game was finished-"

"-she trapped us all in a house and started killing us off-"

"-and then she took our friend hostage-"

"-and she killed the butler, Giles-"

"-then she forced us to kill each other-"

"-or she would kill everyone-"

"-and then she killed our friend-"

"-and she had someone with her, a guy named Kam-"

"-and then we all escaped. That's it." James concludes.

The sheriff is rubbing his chin.

"Are you guys fucking with me? Because I don't have time-" he starts.

"Oh my god, look at us!!" I say. "We're covered in blood and sweat! We've been wearing the same clothes for weeks!"

"Okay, okay I believe you. So, Cris killed fifteen people? And each of you killed one person each?" He asks.

"Yes..." Michelle says.

"Okay, so you just confessed to murder. We're going to need to keep you in a holding cell until further notice-" he starts.

"What?" Eldon says. "No! We have to find Cris! You have to find Cris!"

"I understand that, and we will get to it. But in the meantime, you are our biggest priority right now." He says.

I can't take it anymore. We did not come all this way, go through all of this just to be locked away.

No. I need to get home. I need to get safe. I need Cris to be dead. And there's no way we can do that from here.

So I say, "We get one phone call each, right?"

The sheriff looks sceptical, but nods.

And so I look at Eldon, and I know that he understands me completely. I know he knows what I'm doing is going to help us.

So I take the phone and hit the sheriff over the head with it.

A/N: it know that it's short and not very good but it's really hard for me to update quickly especially because I still need to work on what's gonna happen

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