Chapter 33

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Eldons POV:

They are being way too loud! Cris is going to come back! Damnit I wish I had a way to tell them to shut the fuck up.

Then I hear pounding footsteps on the stairs.

They are running downstairs. They know what's going on...

I sigh and ready myself. Whoever is the first to run down, i will stab....please let it be Cris.

I peak out of the hole. They are coming closer...

I step out of my hole and stab someone in the heart.

James's POV:

"You slimy ass goblin!" I yell at Ulysses he knocks out Michelle. "Don't touch her!"

Don pulls me back on to my knees, and Ulysses pulls West on his. Lindsey is tying up Michelle and Geno is dragging Eldon into the room. Where is Stephanie?

"Your little bitch killed Kam" Cris snarls.

"He's not my-" I start.

"Did you really think that I wouldn't know what was happening down here?" Cris yells.

"Well, it doesn't seem like it" West says.

"Stop talking!" Cris yells. "This absolute fucking walnut killed my second in command! He is going to pay."

"Are you kidding me?" Eldon yells. "You killed all of our fucking friends and once we actually fight back-"

Geno punches him in the jaw. Eldon looks back up at Cris and stares her dead in the eye.

"Where is Stephanie?" Cris asks.

No one replies.

"I'm going to say this one more time. Where the hell is Stephanie?" Cris asks.

"Um...Cris, I mean, Master," Geno says. "I don't think anyone really knows where she went"

Cris whips her head around to him. "Why are you still alive? Ulysses, kill him"

"But-" Ulysses starts, but Cris glares at him. "What about this kid?"

Cris closes her eyes and sighs angrily. "You have two hands, you dumb fuck"

Ulysses looks offended but he picks up a knife off the floor, ready to stab Geno. But then West wriggles free of his grip, and Geno is already sprinting halfway up the stairs.

And then a knife flies out of nowhere and hits Ulysses in the chest.

Stephanie! It must be her!

Eldon jumps up and runs to where Stephanie must be standing.


I flinch. Okay...holy shit...

"I don't even know why I bother with the stupid games. I should just kill you now." Cris spits. "Now seize them!"

Lindsey runs across the room, looking like a duck, I might add, and tackles Stephanie and Eldon to the ground.

"Now, I'm going to give you one more chance. You do as I say or I kill all of you." Cris says.

"We'd rather you did that" I say.

"I will torture you." Cris says.

"There is a special place in Hell for you, Cris" Michelle spits. I didn't even know she was awake. I look at her, she's tied up again.

"You know what? Maybe I will torture you. I had a different game in mind, but you've changed my mind." Cris says. "But," she adds, "it'll still be a game."

"Fuck you!" Stephanie screams.

"You'll all be teamed of you tied to a torture chamber thing, the other assigned torture someone else...last team...or shall I say person, alive, wins." Cris says.

"That's stupid" West says. "None of us are going to torture each other"

"Fine. Then I'll torture you all. And no one will live. But if that's how you prefer it...." Cris says.

"Yes, that is how we prefer it. Because we'd sooner die than do this." I say.

"Yeah, there is no way in hell we're hurting each other anymore. You want it done so badly, do it yourself." Eldon says.

Cris growls. "Fine."

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