Chapter 48

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Wests POV:

Stephanie is crying. I'm numb. I don't believe what happened. Eldon shouldnt be dead.

"He doesn't deserve this. He won, he won and now he's dead because of me" Stephanie sobs.

I stand up. "This isn't your fault, Steph" I whisper. "He would've died either way. His number was called."

But maybe he wouldn't have died. After all, my number was called yesterday and James died...

But I just thought...

Eldon won Whodunnit. Eldon survived everything, everything until this moment. He watched everyone he loved die, and he still fought until his last breath.

I survived longer than him. That shouldn't be true.

Stephanie's POV:

Eldon is dead. He died right in from of me.

I try to stop crying but I can't. The tears are silent now.

West is just standing there, staring at nothing.

I wipe my tears. "We have to get out." I say. "For Eldon, for James, for Michelle, and everyone else."

He looks at me. I feel so bad for telling him that if Eldon died it would be his fault...brining up Emily...

God, I hate myself. Why was I so harsh? I wasn't myself. It was like someone took over my mind and was controlling my every action. I would never say that to West. I don't even think that. We did what we had to do...and Eldon wasn't his fault. At all. I know that... It's just, Eldons dead, and I can't believe it. When he was dying I was hanging on to a tiny thread of hope that maybe, if West found a way....

But how could I have expected him to preform surgery? He knows as much about it as I do.

Eldon died. And neither of us could stop it.

So we have to get out.

"I'm sorry." I say. "I'm really sorry, West. I didn't mean anything I said to you-" I say.

"It doesn't matter." He says quickly.

I sigh. He has to know how sorry I am.

"Look, West. I was scared. I know you were, too. I blamed you because I was scared. I know there was nothing you could do-and I know you had no choice to kill Emily-I don't even know why I brought her into this-" I jumble on.

"Stephanie," West says. "It doesn't matter."

"It does matter-" I start. He doesn't understand-

"No it doesn't. It doesn't matter. Let's just-get out." He says.

Wests POV:

What Stephanie said, it did hurt me...but it doesn't matter.

I know she was scared. I know she didn't mean it. I know. It wasn't her fault.

"I never thought I would make it this far" I whisper.

"I know." She whispers.

We look at the door. "At least you're not in a cell anymore."

She laughs uneasily.

"How are we going to get out?" She asks.

"I don't know. We have to come up with a plan. Eldon and I-" I wince. "We went blindly. Look how that ended."

Stephanie tenses. "We have to kill her" she whispers.

I've been thinking the same thing...

But the thought of me killing another person...

"I know." I say. We have to kill Cris. It's the only way.

It's her fault all our friends are dead. She killed them. Or-made us kill get the point. She has to die.

Stephanie and I sit by the stairs. "She'll come back down eventually. We just have to be ready. And we cannot mess up."

I nod. We devise our plan.

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