Too Perfect

36 2 4

(In Another Life spoiler



A large hand carefully fell upon a smaller one. Bokuto grinned at his boyfriend, eyes squinted though shining nonetheless. Akaashi could only stare back, mesmerized.

When he felt the light squeeze on his hand, he snapped harshly back to reality. They weren't in a perfect fantasy realm where it was just them and their thoughts. They were here, in a large, empty field. The wind pushed past them impatiently, and the breeze smelled of smoke. No, this was not a perfect place.

Akaashi watched the now setting sun, glancing at the man next to him. As long as he was happy, it was enough.

Akaashi had barely started shivering when Bokuto pulled him close.

"Are you cold?" He said. His voice was softer than usual. Most days it was very loud. A smile tugged at the corners of Akaashi's lips at the thought of being cared for this much.

"Not anymore." The response gave Bokuto a reason to smile as well. They sat in silence, gazes fixed intently on the setting sun. It seemed a miracle to Akaashi when the harsh winds began to calm. It now blew past them cautiously, making nearby flowers he hadn't noticed before sway gently. When he felt Bokuto squirm, he knew it had grown too quiet for him.

"It's a pretty night, isn't it?" He asked him. Indeed, it was. A bit of cold barely affected Akaashi compared to the euphoria he was feeling now.

"I can think of something prettier." Bokuto responded. The comment made Akaashi's cheeks tint a brighter red. He hit the bigger male playfully, who only laughed. Maybe this was their perfect fantasy realm.

Bokuto tugged on Akaashi's arm, pointing up at the sky.

"Look! It's snowing!"

Akaashi sat up quickly, his breath hitching. Once he'd caught it, he looked up. A dream. A shaky sigh passed his lips as he glanced down. Next to him lay Bokuto, who was miraculously asleep. Even so, the sight of Bokuto's motionless body on the hospital bed made Akaashi shiver. He looked as tired as ever. Akaashi glanced at the time before tugging gently on Bokuto's arm.

"Wake up, it's late." When the other didn't respond, he shook it more violently, repeating himself. Tears welled in his eyes when Bokuto's body continued to lay limp, the reality of it all nearly crashing over Akaashi. He would drown in those waves. He wanted to slap himself for being so foolish, though he continued to desperately hope that Bokuto would come to his senses, that he would wake up as well. But somewhere in the back of Akaashi's mind, he already knew.

There was no such thing as "perfect".


I hate writing angst bc I always look back at it and cringe.

(Mainly) BokuAka One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now