Silent Listener

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Akaashi's lips remain shut, pressed tightly together, perhaps fearing something he'd regret would come out. Bokuto was as loud as ever, talking on and on about his sister's new, annoying job. Somehow, it had something to do with Bokuto.

Akaashi didn't mind listening to him, not at all; it's just he never had anything to say himself. Before he could even open his mouth, Bokuto's arms were around him, loud voice booming some form of goodbye. How they became so close even Akaashi couldn't tell, but he didn't quite feel like complaining. With a curt nod, he watched Bokuto hurry off to his own class, hardly restraining a smirk when a teacher scolded him for running.

Tapping his pen against the desk, he couldn't help but let his mind drift. It should be alright; his work was finished with anyway. During their walk, Bokuto seemed upset. How could something so trivial be so disturbing? He shook his head, but the thought didn't leave. Simply sighing in defeat, he turned his head to the window as he let his mind irritatingly buzz. He couldn't recall the last time he'd been distracted by a mere friend.

The bell rang, then the next and the one after that. The day had gone by so fast, Akaashi hardly noticed, even when Konoha and Washio asked for help taking down the equipment. He grimaced at the lazy job he'd made of cleaning.

"I'm sorry," he muttered shamefully to Konoha's raised brow, "I'll do a better job next time."

His teammates exchanged glances, but that was all. Konoha pat his shoulder reassuringly as Akaashi's lips strewn back to their thin line. "Don't worry about it then," Konoha shrugged, "It's been a long day; it seems like we all want to go home."

With Washio nodding along, Akaashi thanked the pair and cast another small albeit guilty look towards the pathetic bundle of a net before hurrying to the locker room. Bokuto had already finished, the rest of their teammates gone. It seemed like he'd been waiting.

He waved vigorously, a wide grin plastered across his face. Akaashi had to question once more how they even became so close, but once again, decided he didn't mind.

He hauled his bag over his shoulder as Bokuto heaved the door open for them both, waiting for Akaashi first before leaving himself. Akaashi found himself silent once more as Bokuto continued another one of his numerous stories and rants, only to drop silent. Such a switch in mood, while should have been expected by now, still left Akaashi in a brief stupor.

He snapped out of it quick, thinking about how dumb he may have looked. With a brief shake of his head, he glanced at Bokuto and asked, "Is there something wrong, Bokuto-san?"

Bokuto, of course, only laughed. Though anyone could have heard the bit of strain in it. "It's fine, it's fine," he repeated with a dismissive wave, "I talk a lot, don't I?"

Where did that come from? Akaashi's brows knit together and before he could help himself, he blurted, "Is your sister's job bothering you that much?"

Bokuto seemed as surprised as Akaashi, but perhaps for a different reason. His pace had come to a halt, where his arms had been behind his head now falling to his sides. "Did you remember?" He asked incredulously.

"Of course," Akaashi muttered in return. How could he not? It had been bothering him all day, the way Bokuto had been so intent on ridiculing his sister's job.

Bokuto parted his lips, as though ready to respond, but instead said nothing. Instead, his mouth curled into its signature grin and with a booming laugh, he threw his arm over Akaashi's shoulders with such force, Akaashi thought he'd fall over for a moment.

"Wow, wow," Bokuto boomed, "You're amazing, Akaashi!"

And because Akaashi had nothing else to say or didn't know what to, he just mumbled a small, "You as well, Bokuto-san."

Guys, should I make a spicy one next? I'll def have them make out in the empty gym or smt ☠️

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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