Entry No. 3

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My significant other may know how much I'm thankful for their existence but doesn't truly know how deeply thankful I am.

I have always known that there's something wrong with me. Not that I'm not doing anything about it.

But this person, I usually describe this as the type of person who is naturally kind. Born kind, living kind and probably will be on their grave kind.

Whenever I think about peace, my mind often wanders towards him.

He is peace, my peace.

Whenever my friends and I talk about love and the like, someone would always mention that I don't have to worry about love because I have finally found mine.

I think they're right, and most of the time I would be there sitting silently beside them, praying that they would find this type of love too.

After all, we all wanted to be with someone who will make us feel at peace.

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