Entry No. 9

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No one prepared me for the fact that choosing someone every day would also require a thousand heartbreaks.

Little things could cause damage, and that damage could lead to a lot of fights. And I of all people, hate confrontations. I hate feeling on edge and trying to watch out for the other person's change of voice, change in facial expression or even the slight change in their actions. I don't like that. I shut down myself.

I know it's a problem that I have to solve but for some reason, there are days that I just want to give up and tell the other person that I have enough. I'm tired. Say things like: "I know that I keep on making the same mistakes but I'm always trying to do better" or " You might not see it on the things that you're mentioning but I am doing so on the other aspects of me that also needs to be fixed"

I hope they will stop tallying my mistakes.

I am tired of fixing something in me that I didn't even break. 

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