⛧ Whisper 2: New ally

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Gimme more



"Yeonjun..." the Everlander uttered.

The Devil by the Window just took a new ally of his away.

He smashed his fist on the ground, feeling dumb for being deceived so easily.

"I need to find him. But how?"

The wind passed by and a paper flew into Tae's face.

"Aack! What's this?" he examined the paper.

It said:

Day 632

A new ally?
I made my way past the golden leafless tree that was a mile away from my hideout. This is my first time crossing this area. I had my lance with me just in case I run into a monster.

White cherry blossoms flew in my face. It was a lovely breeze that brought a sense of calmness in me. I tried to find where the source of the blossoms cane from. It led me to this huge white cherry blossom tree. There was a pond in front of it. I heard that there was a legendary creature that lives in places like this!

Once the last blossom fell off the tree, I was expecting a unicorn or something to appear but instead I opened my eyes to.... A KNIFE AT MY THROAT! It was a blonde haired fairy. I'm guessing that he didn't want me on his property. Did I mention that he owns three wolves?!

I used my mystic ball to summon my lance. Fascinated by this technology, the fairy let me go and we started a conversation. He was actually pretty nice! We shared similar interests, especially the will to help Everlanders escape.

A legendary creature like him could help me find the Door of Etheria! I hope we can find a way.

I recall the fairy's name was Soobin.


It looked like a paper from Beomgyu's journey.

"Ah ha! If I can find this Soobin guy and tell him the situation, he could probably help!"

A twinkle of hope sparkled inside Taehyun.

He stuck the paper in his pocket, grabbed the dagger mystic ball, and set off to find the Fairy of the White Blossom Tree.

- - -

"So I went past the golden leafless tree, followed the trail of white blossoms but all I see is a dead tree and a dried up pond.."

All the beautiful features that Beomgyu mentioned in that paper was not in front of the Everlander.

"I don't understand." He scratched his head, puzzled.

Suddenly, three wolves jumped put of a nearby bush one by one.

"Ah!" The Everlander yelped.

They must've been the three wolves mentioned in the paper but they were WAY bigger than Tae expected.

Tae took out the mystic ball but kept his distance.

What seemed like the biggest one was about to pounce on him.

"Moda, stop!"

The wolf obeyed the voice and backed away. So did the others.

"Heh, why are monsters always crossing my property!" said the entity.

It was indeed the blonde haired fairy. Again, this wasn't what Tae expected.

He was very tall, not short. He had only pointed ears but no wings.

"Oh wait, you're not a monster..." said the fairy approaching Tae.

He put his face in of Tae's. He then blew dust in his face.

Cough Cough

"Ack! You're an Everlander!"


"Woah woah! Is that Gyu's weapon?" asked the fairy, using his magic to grab it. He examines the mystic ball.

"Are you an ally of Gyu? If you stole this, I'll kill you ya'know."

"Nono! It's not like that! I know Beomgyu." said Tae taking out the journal page.

"This note is what helped me find you."

"Ah, I see." said the fairy reading the paper.

"He really wrote down our encounter, oh good days.."

- - -

After a bit of time, the two settled down.

"As you saw on the page, my name is Soobin."

"Hello, I'm Taehyun."

"So, what are you doing here?"

"Beomgyu got captured by the Devil by the Window, Yeonjun." Tae explained.

"Wait, WHAT?"

"Yeah, that's why I wanted to seek you out."

"Damn that DEVIL! He's so obsessed with Gyu. He's become a Neverlander ages ago! Why does he still want him.."

"We have to save him."

"What.. I'm NOT gonna go near that thing!" cried Soobin.

"Huh, are you...scared of Yeonjun?"

"So what if I am! I hate his guts..."

"Aren't you more powerful than him? Plus, you have three big ass wolves!"

"Yeah I know... he's just... I don't know how to explain it. I know all he does is just trick and tempt Everlanders but he's creepy."

"Well, he did summon a giant sword before."

"Nope." Soobin stood up. "I'm not doing this."

Taehyun grabbed his wrist.

"You can't just walk off! Beomgyu is your friend isn't he? We have to him back, or else we won't make it to the Door of Etheria!"

Soobin's eyes widened at those words. He took a deep breath in and out.

"Okay fine, let's go kick Yeonjun's ass and get Gyu back." said the fairy with determination.


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(832 words)

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