namek saga (ch-4)

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(scene shows a Namekian village with a large group of villager outside)

NAMEKIAN VILLAGER #1: And that's the story of the great drought. (children laugh)

(Vegeta is seen landing in the middle of the village)

NAMEKIAN VILLAGER #2: Hey look, a visitor!

NAMEKIAN VILLAGER #3: Oh, boy! We love visitors!

NAMEKIAN ELDER: Now, now, don't crowd the young lady. Why, hello, good fellow! Welcome to our fine village! You look like you're not from around here. You have to be careful; word through the grapevine has it that some unruly characters have been going around and attacking our villages. By the way, would you like to see our Dragon Ball? It's our prized possession; sacred on this planet. So, what brings you to our village?

(Vegeti is seen smirking)


(scene shifts to Vegeti walking away from a destroyed village, showing many deceased Namekians on the ground and the sound of a fire burning off-screen along with the voice of a Namekian screaming in pain)

VEGETI: Life sure has a way of working itself out. I find Cui, I kill Cui. I find Dodoria, I kill Dodoria. I find this Dragon Ball, (throws the Dragon Ball into a lake) I take this Dragon Ball. Let's see what else I can find...(smiles) hopefully Y/N (leaves the destroyed Namekian village)

(scene shifts to Krillin)

KRILLIN: Sweet crap! Did you
feel that Gohan?!

GOHAN: Uh yeah, but... maybe we shouldn't--

KRILLIN: Man, Vegeti just ended that village!

GOHAN: Krillin, seriously, you--

KRILLIN: I didn't think she needed to kill them either; they didn't even put up a fight.

GOHAN: Krillin!

KRILLIN: What? I-- (looks behind himself and notices Dende who is completely shocked) Oh, cripes. Um... Hey, listen. They may be dead now, but they've all gone to a better place... Heaven. Where everyone has their own little house, and everything is wonderful, and we all get along and there's puppies and kitties and--

DENDE: This sounds totally asinine.

KRILLIN: It totally is...

GOHAN: Hey guys, I think I might have an idea. Frieza and Vegeti LP need all seven Dragon Balls, right? So what if we just found one and hid it away? Then neither of them could make their wish.

KRILLIN: Hey, good idea! But we also need someone who can help us out. Little Green...

DENDE: Dende.

KRILLIN: you know anyone on this planet who might be able to do that?

DENDE: I know of one... person. He is called the leader of our people; the eldest Namek. It is said long ago when our planet faced a great drought, he led our people through the peril. It is said that it was terrifying.

GOHAN: The drought?

DENDE: No...

KRILLIN: Well Gohan, looks like this is our only choice. Stay here and protect Bulma.

BULMA: Oh, now you care.

KRILLIN: I'm gonna follow Little Green to meet this eldest Namek guy. He sounds like he's our last hope. (flies away with Dende)

DENDE: Please do not make jokes.

(scene shifts to Zarbon flying through the sky)

ZARBON: Frieza seems increasingly frustrated... I'd best find Vegeti quickly...

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