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(Source: Interview, British Calendar News, June 12, 1965)

Even in social situations, the Lennon-McCartney bond seemed well-defined. The unlikely pair spent many evenings together browsing through the record stacks in the basement of NEMS, hunting for new releases that captured the aggressiveness, the intensity and the physical tug about which they debated talmudically afterwards over coffee. Occasionally John invited Paul and his girlfriend, a welsh nurse named Rhiannon, to double-date.

To John's further delight, he discovered Paul was corruptible. In no time he groomed his young cohort to shoplift cigarettes and candy as well as stimulating in him an appetite for pranks. On one occasion that still resonates for those involved, the Quarry Men went to a party in Ford, a village on the outskirts of Liverpool... "John and Paul were inseparable that night, like Siamese twins," says Charles Robert, who met them en route on the upper deck of a cherry red Ribble bus. "It was like the rest of us didn't exist." They spent most of the evening talking, conducting a whispery summit in one corner, Roberts recalls. And it wasn't just music on their agenda, it was mischief. "In the middle of the party they went out, ostensibly looking for a cigarette machine, and appeared some time after carrying a cocky-watchman's lamp. The next morning, when it was time to leave, we couldn't get out of the house because they had put cement stolen from the roadworks into the mortise lock so the front door wouldn't open. And we had to escape through a window."

-Peanut Out 😍

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