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  "PAUL: John used to say, 'I'm the leader of this group!' and we used to say, 'It's only because you fucking shout louder than anyone else!' It wasn't as if we didn't know how to do that, it was just nobody wanted to shout and be so uptight about it. Nobody cared as much as he did about being the leader. Actually I have always quite enjoyed being second. I realised why it was when I was out riding: whoever is first opens all the gates. If you're second you just get to walk through. They've knocked down all the walls, they've taken all the stinging nettles, they take all the shit and whoever's second, which is damn near to first, waltzes through and has an easy life. You're still up with number one. Number one still needs you as his companion, so I think my relationship to John is something to do with this attitude.

John was always very forward-thinking. That was often his greatest asset. If it was like, 'Should we say fifty swear words on this record, or shall we do the song we were meant to do?' 'No, no, no, let's do the fifty swear words. That's a good idea, that's certainly interesting.' John would always, in my imagination anyway, push for that. So it was always very good having this prod, this battering-ram partner. It was something to do with our personalities and character, which doesn't change a lot in life. John would always advise jumping off a cliff. It was one of his symbolic things. He'd say, 'So you come to edge of a cliff, and you don't know what to do, so jump!'

John was always the jumper, the suicide man, the one off the cliff, he always had to be bigger and bolder and brighter, which was what excited people about John. We like those people, we like high-risk people, that's how John was and that was the radical difference between us." 

-Paul (Idk this is real or not)

I found this quote on Tumblr by http://pivoinesque.tumblr.com/ 

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