Chapter 2-Problems

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“Don't you dare walk out of this house, young man"? Jason heard his father yell as he was walking down the stairs with a suitcase in his hands.

Jason stopped abruptly with sheer frustration written all over his face.
“What else do you want me to do Dad?", Jason exclaimed.

“Don't call me that, I don't know how on earth I managed to produce a worthless human like you", Mr. Carlson, Jason's Dad and New York's top businessman replied to Jason.

Jason's countenance dropped in disbelief mixed with red anger. He couldn't believe that his father would say that to him. Yes, they were not the best of friends and there certainly were times when they argued but this particular moment was different.

" Dad, I have told you already that I don't want to be like you. You made me study Business Administration and now you want me to take up a position in your company? , I'm sorry this is where I draw the line." Jason sighed before he continued calmly, "I don't want to live your life, I don't want to go out early in the morning and come in late at night, I don't dig my head in a stack of paper, sit around in suits and ties. I want to pursue my dreams, I don't want to live like you!!!", Jason blurted.

" How dare you talk to me like that?, have you lost your mind, I am still your father and...........

"Well you just told me some minutes ago that you are not my father", Jason interrupts with a smirk on his face.

" Stop, both of you, just stop, please", Mrs. Beatrice Jason's mum begged, clearly heartbroken at the sight of her husband and son exchanging words at each other.

"Mum, please I can't stay here anymore", Jason sighs.

"Son, please"

"I have done so much to please Dad, I am about to round up a course on business administration because of him, Mum I don't want to be like him, I have passion for other things,s and trust me, I might complete what I am studying but I won't use it in future". Jason stated with so much zeal in his eyes and Mrs. Beatrice knew that her son was serious this time.

" Not under my watch!!!", Mr. Carlson spat.

"Well, I have made my decision!"
Jason reached for his suitcase and proceeded towards the door.

"As you step out of this house, have it in mind that you are no longer part of this family, I'm going to have your account frozen and you cease to be my son" Mr. Carlson thundered making Jason halt abruptly.

"No, it hasn't reached that level, darling please", Mrs. Beatrice pleaded but the man showed no sign of feelings.

Jason turned to his father with bloodshot eyes, "Fine, so be it", he spat.

"Bye mum"

"Bye Jasmine", he said referring to a pretty young brunette-haired girl who stood there crying silently.

Jason reached for his suitcase and walk out of the house. He went out and drove out of the big house in his Car.

" What?, your Dad did all that? a man that's crazy", Tyler, Jason's friend yelled.
Jason was at his friend's house, at least that was where he could go for the night!

"I hate the fact that we share the same gene, he made me study what I am currently studying, and now he wants me to take up a position at his company so that by the time I graduate, he will make me a CEO, isn't that cruel?", Jason retorted bitterly.

" Dude I feel your pain, my apartment is always open to you, What will you do about your account?"

"Don't worry about that, I have another account he doesn't know of, the money in it is huge and I can pay for the few years I have left in college and also take care of myself", Jason explained.

" That's a good man"

"I'm so sorry for ruining your night, I saw you had company", Jason said.

" Guy, that was just a fling, don't worry, remember"Boys before girls", Bro code right? Tyler said.

"Thanks, man", Jason said and the duo did their signature handshake and laughed.

We've gotten to know about Jason, who feels sorry for him?

What do you think about this Chapter? let me know in the comment session.

Author Note
Hey guys,
So sorry I could not update yesterday so I made this a bit long.
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Love you. Stay tuned for updates.🥰😘😘💋

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