Chapter 4

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Hi guys🥺🥺so sorry it took me long to update.
I've been so busy and stressed out. I have an exam coming up and I will love it if you put me in your prayers🙏
Please manage this short chapter 🙏☺☺

The early morning sun rays crept their way into Pearl's bed. It was indeed a beautiful morning.
Pearl stirred in her sleep and stretched out her arms in different directions like a kitten.

"Good morning Abba", She smiled.

She sat up on her bed with her eyes still closed, and her hair was scattered at different angles.

"Hey, Mandy, good morning", Pearl mumbled, she seemed to have forgotten that she was in a different place.

"Morning", a voice replied.

"That's not Mandy's voice...Oh no, how could I forget that I'm in a new place", Pearl thought within her. She forcefully opened her eyes and closed them almost immediately because of the intensity of the sun's rays and opened it again a little bit slower.

" Good morning" Pearl greeted Kayla who looked all dressed up in a sophisticated manner.

"Morning", Kayla replied stiffly, "I will be going out, I have lectures now, Bye", She said and walked out of the room.

Pearl was left dumbfounded. She wondered what sort of girl her so-called roommate was.
"She did not even ask me how my night was, at least she would have spoken nicely. Well, I guess I will have to adapt"

She stood up from her bed and walked to her table, took out her Bible, and read a few chapters making a mental note to ask where she could get a Church to worship in.

She got down on her knees and prayed for some minutes before she went into the bathroom, took her bath, and finally got dressed in a pink knee-length flare gown.
She hurriedly rushed out of her room, thinking of how she was going to locate her lecture halls.

"Hey, Pearl", She heard a voice call unto her from behind, and she turned.

" Oh, hi Doreen" Pearl smiled.

"Hello, trust you slept well, you look beautiful", Doreen complimented.

"Yes I did, thanks, you look great too"

"Let's grab a sandwich, I'm sure you've not eaten, after that, I will show you to your class, what do you say?"

"Oh, that will be great, thank you so much" Pearl replied gleefully.

The two ladies went to the cafeteria, got two sandwiches then proceeded to their classes.
"Oh dear, that was a long tiring lecture", Pearl muttered to herself as she dragged herself along the way in a bid to get back home and hit the bed.
She kept on walking erratically until she felt a bump. Oh no, She just bumped into someone!

" What the heck", a voice yelled angrily...

Who do you think Pearl bumped into?

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Love ya☺☺🥰
Author's Note
Hello guys, how have you been?
I'm so sorry once again, please bear with me guys, I barely have time for myself.
I will try to update whenever I can.

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