First Encounter

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He was running for his life.

The forest was pitch dark but he could see easily, being a creature of the dark had it's perks. His fear had magnified his sense by a thousand, he was able to detect every movement from birds to crickets. He heard the howls of the hunting wolf closing in, and the voices of their masters. He force his aching legs to go faster, he had to scape. He could faintly see the barrier trapping the vampire kingdom. The boy put on the black coat he had stole from one of his imprisoners earlier, hoping and prying to whatever god could hear him, to let him pass through the barrier.

The vampire kingdom had been deem dangerous by others, so every single vampire had been trap in this place, the black coat could supposedly let him out of it. "He is almost at the barrier stop him!" he heard one of his pursuers yell, too late though. He crossed the barrier. It was the weirdest sensation ever, like thousands of needles were poking his whole body. he kept on walking, knowing they could not follow him.


It was early morning, too early, it was barely sunrise. A blond boy wearing a light green shirt and shapeless tacky pants, yawn making his blue eyes fill with teardrops. It was too early for him to be awake. He normally slept till dawn, but not today. Today he had decided to make a special breakfast for his family. He headed to the fruit garden to pick some apples or maybe cherries. He stop when he notice a glimmer coming from the forest near by. He ignore it but the glimmer appear to be getting brighter and brighter, almost as if calling him. Against his better judgment he went to where the light was. Upon arriving at the edge of the forest he stopped, the mild darkness coming from the woods was intimidating him, but his curiosity was stronger, so he stepped into the forest almost tripping with the knotted roots of the trees, still he kept on walking. It didn't take him long to find where the little light was coming from. He found a dark haired boy sleeping on the side of a tree. The glimmer had been coming from the jewelry hanging from his black coat. As if sensing his presence the dark haired boy awoke with a start, ready to attack but fell to his knees instead.

"Easy there, I'm Ventus. You don't seem so good, let me help you" Ventus said and kneel next to him.

"I .. hide" the other manage to say in a very weak voice

"From what?" upon closer inspection Ventus realize the boy's skin was pale as a full moon, and icy cold. His eyes were honey yellow and they had a dim glow to them.

".. the sun"

It fully dawn on him what this person was, a vampire. "Come on, my house is close from here"


Ventus' house wasn't much, it was two stories high , but it had this weird acceptance about it, as if it welcoming you with open arms. The kitchen was small, fit for 2 people, and it was connected to the dining room.

"So what's your name?" Ventus asked as he place a bowl of soup in front of his guest.

"Vanitas..." he was skeptical, how could this person just welcome him into his house being fully aware of what he is, even serve him food. He looked at Ventus again and the blond just smile innocently. "You are pretty weird"

" So what brings you to this little part of the world?"

"and too perky for me "

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood, geez"

The rich aroma of the soup washed over Vanitas, and made his stomach growl with hunger, making Ventus chuckle. the dark haired boy decided to eat it, after all he was hungry and this would help him calm his need for blood, just till night fall.

Ventus watched him eat, expecting an answer to his already forgotten question. When Vanitas was finished he asked again " So now can you tell me what are you doing here?"

"If you must know, I am looking for a man name Eraqus"

The blond looked surprise, not many people came to see his step-father. He knew that he was a well renown wizard but that just made people feel intimidating to visit. Which made him wonder "And what would you do once you find him?"

"That's none of your business"

"What if I told you I know where he is"

Vanitas didn't have to react, at that moment a blue haired woman enter the dining room. Her messy hair and sleepy eyes shown she had barely woken up. "Ventus? What a surprise" her words were muffled with a yawn. When her blue eyes landed on Vanitas she froze. Her face turned red with embarrassment, she was wearing her bunny pajamas for goodness sake, why didn't anyone ever warn her about visitors.?! While she was trying to pull herself together two men walk in. One looked young about the age of the girl. The other one was older, he looked wiser and more serious, almost as if he was about to give a disciplinary lecture to them all.

"Vanitas" Ventus said getting the attention of everyone " This is Aqua, Terra... and"

"Master Eraqus" Vanitas interrupted, he smile with relieve showing his fangs, he seriously thought it would take him days to find him. The others weren't as enthusiastic to see him, when they saw what he was, it made them switch to defense mode, they were preparing to blast the vampire to pieces. That is until Ventus stopped them, he moved right in front of Vanitas "Stop!"

"Get out of the way Ven" Terra order him

"Not until you guys calm down, besides he's too weak to do anything."

The comment and the blond's action hit Vanitas' pride, he was being protected by a scrawny boy like Ventus "I don't need you to defend me" he said irritated.

"Dude you couldn't walk by yourself an hour ago" He turn to face Vanitas

"I'm perfectly fine, I don't need you to take care of me"

"highly doubtful" The face off was hilarious to the ones watching, they looked like a married couple.

Master Eraqus cough "So tell me boy how did you scape the barrier and why?"

"I use this dark coat, I don't know how it works but it let me scape, as of why ......I came to warn you"

"About what?"

They all sat there berried in silence, waiting for his answer. He was uneasy, fill with dread, it was all or nothing. They would either believe him or maybe disintegrate him " The vampire king died some days ago"

"How were we not informed about this" Aqua ask seriously, doubt clearly shown in her face.

"A guy name Xeanort" upon hearing the name master Eraqus' calm disappear leaving anxiety and fear. Everyone in the room notice making the tension sky rocket, still Vanitas proceeded "he has been trying to keep it a secret, he also locked the heir to the throne, and has taken total control"

"He's preparing for another war" Their Master said

"Another?" Ask Terrra

"Long before any of you were born, Xeanort rose an army of vampires, he use their manipulative powers to enslave other races and recruit them. Even the most strong willed were broken."

" How did you stopped him?" Vanitas asked

"After wars of bloodshed we manage to make gemstones to stop his manipulation."

"I've heard this before one was a ruby made to heal, a diamond to protect and a sapphire to enhance powers" Ventus said, he knew there was more to the gems but could not remember what.

"The humans made a machine to use the gems and free everyone at the same time.. We thought that he had died after that last battle" Everyone stayed silence for a minute, recollecting their thoughts, trying to process what this meant. War was at hand.


I'm trying to improve my writing skills and would much appreciate your comments. Cx

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