Hollow Bastian

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They had barely escaped when the whole house exploded into flames. Ventus watched as his home was consume by fire, surely those were not the people meant to take care of him. Who were they? And what or who were they after? Was he getting targeted? Or was it Vanitas? What- He was Brought back to reality when Vanitas dropped him on the floor. "Hey!" He was going to complain about his rude landing when he notice something was not right with Vanitas. The vampires looked exhausted, his breathing was rapid and there was smoked coming out of him. For a minute Ven thought that it was from the explosion but soon realize that it was the still lingering sunlight that was burning him.

"Oh crap! Don't die on me Vanitas I still need you to take me to hallow bastion" Ven said as he pull the wounded vampire to the nearest tree shade.

"You need to check your priorities" Vanitas was exhausted, and in pain. He had to think fast because there was still an hours left before the sun went completely down, and they couldn't wait here for that. They were most likely being pursue. "We need to keep moving"

Ventus watched as the stubborn vampire tried to keep on walking, only to fall right on his face "Do you have a death wish?" 

"I'm fine, lets go"

"Clearly, you are not" It was obvious to ventus that Vanitas was going to kill himself at this rate. He had to do something and quick, but what? paralyzing the vampire could be a way but then he'll have to carry him to the train station. it would be better if the vampire was the one carrying him. "I got it!"

Vanitas looked at Ventus with a perplexed expression, what the heck was he thinking? the blond boy closed his eyes, and focus on the sky.   "Tempus Vernum" As he said those words the red hues in the sky change to gray and black clouds oozed and billowed covering the sun. Ven looked up and grin pleased with his work.

"Idiot you just gave out our location!" Vanitas was sure that their pursuers could track powerful spells, specially if they were cast close to them. Meanwhile  Ventus had to save his sassy respond for another time, he had use too much power. He could feel his conscious leaving him, and just like that the world went dark.


They were just arriving at hollow bastion's train station  when Ventus woke up. At first he felt disoriented but soon came to his senses when he saw the dark cloudy sky, rain pouring down relentlessly and flashes Light ripping the sky apart. He hadn't just brought clouds, Ventus had summon a full on thunder storm. What was most surprising to him was that it had spread this far up north.

"I don't understand human technology, but I have to admit it's pretty useful at times" Vanitas spoke next to him.

" I don't like their machines" It was true, there was something off about human technology. In fact the only reason why he was in this train was because he had been unconscious when they aboard it. Vanitas looked at him with a frown, they could just not agree on anything.  They grabbed their belongings and walked out. There was no one out but them, which was strange because there were other people in the train, Vanitas was sure of it. He looked around taking in every detail he could find, there was something wrong here. The train station was completely silence "This is no good, nothing good ever comes from deserted places"

Trapped. It all happen in flashed, an army of soldiers surrounded them. They all had different kinds of weapons, things both boys had never seen before. One of the men, Ventus guessed was the leader step forward to speak " You are under arrest, resist and you shall be eliminates"

"OK" Both boys said and rose their arms in defeat. Relief ran through Ven when Vanitas agreed with his strategic answer, being a prisoner was better than being dead. Besides he had to figure out what those weapons were.


Scary doesn't quite cut it. The dark shadow cast by the thunder outside the windows, crumbling ancient stone walls, the dim lights and the menacing shadow looking down on them were no help. The place was beyond creepy, they were currently located at the center of the castle, the throne room, and Vanitas could swear that menacing shadow was the ruler of this kingdom.

"Vampires" the figure said in a orotund voice. "Deceiving disgusting creatures"

"Ok! That's it" Vanitas was enrage, first he was chased, then attacked, chased again and imprisoned and now this! No, no, no, he was done. He broke the chains confounding him, ready to fight. Only to be stopped by a sharp pain on his arm. He was wounded. "How?" He gasp bewildered.

Vanitas may have missed it but Ventus saw it. It  happen in a flash, the moment the vampire broke the chains, the person on the throne toke out a weapon and a blue light bullet shoot from it, straight at Vanitas' arm.

"Don't try that shit with me"  the figure moved closer to them, when she was out of the shadows they could see her features. A beautiful girl with ginger hair, wearing a regal pastel pink dress. Piercing blue eyes, that could see through every lie. "When you endangered my kingdom you answer to me" she said in a calm voice, then she rose the weapon and aimed it at the vampire's chest.

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