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"Don't try that shit with me" the figure moved closer to them, when she was out of the shadows they could see her features. A beautiful girl with ginger hair, wearing a regal pastel pink dress. Piercing blue eyes, that could see through every lie. "When you endangered my kingdom you answer to me" she said in a calm voice, then she rose the weapon and aimed it at the vampire's chest.

"Your Majesty" A person step out of the shadows, his blue eyes the same shade as Ventus, along with the same shade of hair and height. Although they both shared many features there was something different about him. He carried this regal and seriousness about him. The total opposite of Ventus "I would appreciate if you refrain from killing my guests"

"Roxas, just because this vampire is with your brother doesn't make him a friend" determination filled the queen's eyes, she was known for her stubbornness. 

"He has important Intel for me" Roxas was not letting this go. He loved contradicting the queen, plus he did needed to hear what Vanitas had to say. "Look at his eyes. He can't be trusted"

"Kairi, this is the only shot we have to get intel  on our enemies. It's either we keep him or we stay in the dark and wait for another attack" and as if proving Roxas' point, the ground shook making. Objects rattle uncontrollably, and little parts of the ceiling fell down. The air was filled with dust and smoke. They were under attack.

"We will talk about this later. For now bind him to someone." Kairi's gave Vanitas one quick glare then proceeded to order her troops " Two of you follow me, the rest help the injured" as Ventus and Vanitas were release from their chains, Roxas quickly prepare to cast a spell. " Extend your arms " both teens did as told, Roxas grabbed both their arms. A blue streams of light appeared enveloping on Ventus and Vanitas' arms. The blond wizard finish his spell by saying "Alligans catena" as soon as those words were said, the lights turned into a transparent chain tying them both, and vanishing soon after.

"You can't go too far away from each other or the chain will pull you back. Try to fight it and it'll hurt you" he gave them both a fake smile and proceeded to leave.

"Hold it, I don't need a babysitter" Vanitas followed Roxas.

"I know. That's why, you" the blond pointed to Vanitas "are babysitting him" now he was pointing to Ventus.

This was too much for Vanitas, he couldn't contain his laughter. The fact that Roxas seem to trust a complete stranger more than his brother was absolutely priceless, and Ventus' face of disbelief was just the cherry on top. "I like you dude" he said still trying to control his himself.

"What! No, I'm dispelling this chains" how could his own brother embarrassed him like this. Unacceptable!

"Sorry bro, only I can do that."


"Ven, I don't have time to argue. There's an emergency right now " Roxas was now running. The two boys were following him, both of them confuse as to why they were running the opposite direction from the chaos, but still they kept up with his pace.

"If that's the case why are we running away from it?" The three boys came to a halt when the met a boy in a black coat. His features were the a mirror of Vanitas. Except for the chocolate brown hair and crimson red eyes.

"Sora..?" Said boy grin maliciously, the gesture didn't seem to fit his face. Sora reached into his pocket and took out a black ball. Roxas was the first one to react, he push Vanitas and Ventus inside the closest room to take refuge. Just as he did a blast of smoke and fire burst through the doors.

"Sora! What the fuck?!" Vanitas yelled at his brother. The 3 boys were cover on ashes and dust, and a fire starting at the entrance of the room. They had been pushed inside the castle's library. A room filled with rows of books was the worst place to start a fire.

The brunet laughed maniacally. "This is going to be fun. I wonder how many bombs you'll be able to take before you break?"

Vanitas was scare and that was saying something. His brother was the reason why he came to this forsaken place and now here he was trying to fry him to a crisp. "What is wrong with you? You're acting so bizarre"

"I know I'm not normal" Sora looked straight at Roxas and said "at least I don't pretend to be" There was something in the way he said it, that it seem more than a taunt.


If you see any errors on my writing tell me guys C: please

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2017 ⏰

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