2. Trying on the ring

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Eve P.O.V.

I walked out of the library like a zombie until I felt wetness on my forehead. I looked up at the sky and saw that it was raining. I took off my back pack off and put it on my head.

I looked around and saw antique store that was across the street. I ran across the street and rushed inside. When I got inside, it began to rain hard outside. I looked around the saw that it was empty. I decided to kill time and pretend to look for something to buy. I was just bout to leave when a Tiffany and Co ring caught my eye.  I  was thinking  if i should get it weather its fake or real when someone  said "  Try it on, it seems you really like it."

Third P.O.V.

Eve turned around and saw a   girl around her age popped out of nowhere and  was pulling out the ring set  from the glass case.

Eve said " okay."

Jut as she was about to  try  on the ring, her phone rang.

her phone rang

Hot Tottie - Usher ft Jay

She took out her from her skirt pocket because of the school's uniform. ( The school's uniform is a blue blouse and skirt with pockets and black dress shoes or black converse shoes . The guys were blue or white blouse with Brown dress pants or shorts. The shoes are for the guys are black dress shoes or red converse shoes )

She press the ignored button on her phone and put it in her pocket. After  Eve put the ring on she  become unconscious.

Third P.O.V.

Eve woke up and notice trees. She sat up and notice that she was in the forest. She was  about to walk when someone said " your unconscious. You are in limbo."

She  turned around and  saw the girl who told her  to try on the ring standing there in a grim reaper outfit. She  snaped his fingers and they were in an office. The office was fancy and a nice view. If you looked out of the window it showed the towers of Canada and the other window showed Big Ben and Twin Towers.

When Eve  sat down  and was about to ask question  when  Brook ntroduced

herself and said " You miss   Jenkins  are chosen becuse you didn't ask if the ring was fake or real."


After  Brook  told Eve  everything Eve  laugh like it was a joke and  said " you are crazy but I will play along."

Brook said " I'll be seeing you soon."

After  Brook  flicked Eve's forehead, she was passed out.

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